Lurking Lloigors

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The abyssal winds wailed like anguished cries of forlorn spirits beyond the grave, sending its bitter breath swirling in through the cave entrance. The lantern light flickered while I shivered upon the cozy pillow nest all alone and woebegone. I pulled my cloak around myself a little bit tighter, as I stared blankly at a jagged crack in the stonework. Over the past few hours, I had been watching a little skittering spider crawl in and out of it. I name him Legolas since he ironically had lots of legs.

The sweet and silken veil of unconsciousness had yet to shroud my troubled mind, as slumber continued to illude me without Valarendrik's comforting embrace. Yet as much as I would have loved to feel his big strong arms and shadows snuggling me close to his chest, I felt as though I had needed some space to clear my thoughts first. 

Never before had my soul felt so bedighted by inferiority and inadequacy. The icy lips of veracity had laid their slow cruel kiss upon my blossoming prayer that our love may find a way to last. And with that kiss, my benediction wilted, leaving me with a shriveled bloom of wasted hope and a stem of brittle thorns to leave an everlasting sting upon my spirit.

The knowledge that I was so far beneath him that we couldn't even be seen together only further widened the gnathic chasm of differences between us. His words had swung at me like a mallet, further hammering the nails of reality into my heart. He was a prince and I was practically a peasant. We were from different worlds. And even though we loved each other, we didn't belong together, forever doomed to be separated by our colossal inequalities.

I sighed and wiped a stray tear from beneath my eye... Jeez, I'm being really damn dramatic. I need to get a grip and at least hear him out... 

The pillows rustled as I pushed myself up into a seated position and glanced over toward the darkness beyond the cave door. My teeth clamped over my bottom lip as I thought about calling out to him. I knew if I did that he'd faithfully be at my side as fast as he could, but I wasn't entirely sure if we could manage to have a conversation without tearing each other's clothes off.  

Warmth fluttered within my lower stomach and my thighs clenched together as I imagined his tall, shadowy, and muscular frame predatorily stalking towards me. His ethereally handsome face kissed by otherworldly features smiling at me with both love and desire burning in his crimson gaze. His beastly cock torturing my pussy in the most intoxicating way as it weeps for mercy. The way he unwittingly enslaves my body to his with every slow and calculated thrust of lust and furious pounding of passion.

Despite everything, I honestly wondered how I'd ever be able to leave this world after having experienced such things. My body desperately craved his, and I was worried that I might completely lose my mind once I returned to earth. With acquiescence, I surrendered to the certitude that I was now addicted to the man... To his dick.

Dammit, I'm fucked... Literally.

I felt lost and suffocated by trepidation. I truly didn't know what to do anymore and was torn between my conflicting wishes. I longed to return to my world. I missed Pema and my mother terribly. And also my pet turtle, Speedy. Yet the thought of leaving Valarendrik broke my heart. But how could I stay with him when he was a prince? It's not like he would ever make someone like me his princess or... queen.

My whole body tensed with that thought. It strummed on a silken thread of memory like a helpless little fly accidentally summoning a monstrous spider out from the darkness and onto the web. With faint breath, my eyes warily shifted across the room towards the chest, remembering the strange crystal ball hidden within its depths.

...Oh my goodness... The vision I had... That awful creature had accused me of thinking that I was worthy of becoming the next queen! ...And the baby that I was holding, the creature had referred to it as a hybrid heir birthed from the union of life and death... I am living and Valarendrik is undead... Could I have foreseen our child!?

Illuminating the Dark PrinceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora