Royal Realization

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Ghastly groans and woeful wails knelled faintly in the distance, echoing across the large lake which we rode beside. An eerie crimson haze was the only thing separating the dark murky water and obsidian skyline, blurring the horizon with a thick sanguine veil of despondency. A small knoll made from large stones curved up along the rocky beach beside us. It was adorned with thorny black chaparral-like shrubberies, with withered red flowers suffocating within its sinister grasp.

Strong gusts of wind came and went like powerful and rhythmic exhales of death. They blew in waves of fury through the strange weeping willow-like trees which lined the water's dismal shoreline. Their curtains of pendulous skeletal branches eerily swayed with every puff of abyssal breath, causing the bony trunks to creak and sough in a haunting melody. 

Tall gangly birds which reminded me of black undead storks meandered through the shallow waters near the shore. Their long skeletal legs and pointy black beaks created little ripples as they hungrily searched for tiny tasty morsels to munch on. Then they all hastily flew away in startlement, making alarmed squawking noises, as Sagacor happily trotted along the rocky beach. Not that I could really blame them for flying off though, considering how loudly I was moaning. 

"Oh! Oh! Valarendrik!" I mindlessly screamed as his large hand roughly squeezed my butt, slamming me up and down over his massive straining erection.

His other hand threaded through my hair, pulling it into a fist as he dominantly yanked my head back. "I love how tightly your sweet, silky, little cunt grips my cock." He bestially growled into my ear. The sound was dark and primal. Dripping with unrestrained sinfully delicious lust.

I mewled while desperately encircling my arms around his neck, and burying my fingers within his soft midnight tresses which were tied up in a high ponytail. My legs squeezed tightly around his bare waist, while I joltingly sank up and down upon his monstrous shaft with every rough bounce of Sagacor's saddle. A heavenly burning sensation filled my inner sanctuary, as though it had been ignited by the euphoric flames of hellfire. My mind had become dizzied and one-tracked. All I could think about was how much I loved and needed the massive dick vigorously plowing between my legs.

With a deep primeval growl, he slowly gnashed his teeth right in front of my mouth, so close that his lips were lightly brushing mine. I gasped as he suddenly caught my bottom lip within his daunting jaws, biting down hard enough for me to feel the sharp pricks of his fangs, but not enough to break the skin. His seductive growl rumbled on as he slowly tilted his head back, dragging my lower lip out while his teeth slipped away, leaving a pleasurable sting behind. Then his silken tongue sensually glided across my swollen lip to ease the slight sting, right before smothering my moans with a tempestuous kiss.

Two days had passed since we'd first made love in that magical forest, and we'd been a couple of nymphomaniacs ever since. Not only was Valarendrik's precum an aphrodisiac, but I'd swear the stuff was addictive too. It was like I was fucking a massive pixie stick filled with crack cocaine. Every time he'd come near me, my arousal would gush between my legs. He'd then scent out that arousal and proceed to shove me up against the wall, throw me onto our pillow nest, or wherever else was available. Not even Sagacor's saddle was safe from our prurience.

He was also getting better at not making things float around us every time he climaxed. Apparently, he had no idea why that was happening and seemed to have very little control over it.

Sagacor jumped over a strange alien skeleton, causing my hips to surge upward, then forcefully slam all the way back down onto Valarendrik's walloping cock. He impaled my seeping pussy with shockingly deep intensity, filling my center entirely with his hot hard flesh. My body stiffened in shock, while my head limply rolled away from the kiss with my lips parted in a silent slacken 'oh.'

Illuminating the Dark PrinceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora