Chapter Nine - The Halloween Dance [Pt. 2]

Start from the beginning

Y/N didn't hesitate on regaining her stance. Once she was up on her feet again, Tommy grabbed her from behind, reminding her of how she was held back by him and Dutch at the beach party. Not this time, though, would she allow him to hold her back.

"Let go of me! Let go!" she demanded while doing everything she could to break free from Tommy's arms.

"Get him up," ordered Johnny gruffly.

Dutch, being the only one to listen, hauled Daniel back up to his feet.

"Leave him alone, man," Bobby spoke up. "He's had enough."

"Shut up, Bobby!" Dutch snapped back.

"Look at him, Dutch!" Bobby pointed to Daniel, who was weak and limp in Dutch's arms. "He can't even stand up!"

"That don't mean squat!"

"Johnny," Bobby turned to Johnny, hopeful that he would be the one to listen, "leave him alone, man! He's had enough!"

"I'll decide when he's had enough!" was Johnny's response.

Bobby faced Johnny, pointing in his face. "What is wrong with you, Johnny?!"

"An enemy deserves no mercy."

Y/N watched as a shadowy figure secretly climbed up the fence. She prepared herself for what was about to occur.

"Right!" all of the Cobras, except for Bobby, yelled in response to Johnny's statement.

"You're crazy, man!" Bobby told Johnny.

Dutch had Daniel propped up against the fence. Through his fading vision, he watched as Johnny cried out and was about to unfold his lethal kick. Too weak to move, he waited for the inevitable impact.

But it never came.

From out of nowhere, the figure Y/N had watched, leaped over the fence and pushed Daniel out of the way. A split second later, Johnny's foot dented the fence where Daniel had been.

Y/N kicked Tommy hard in the shin, making him lose his grip around her and drop her.

"Tommy, get her!" Johnny yelled. "Bobby, Dutch, Jimmy, get him!"

The punches and kicks Tommy threw at Y/N were all blocked by certain techniques she had once learned from the mysterious figure. After blocking most of his moves, she gave a powerful kick to his chest, which sent him to the ground.

Meanwhile, the mysterious figure fought off the other three Cobras. He kneed two of them in their stomachs and kicked the other in the groin. All of them, except for Johnny, had been defeated and were sprawled out on the ground.

Johnny attempted to fight the man by throwing punches and kicks. But the man, who had blocked each punch and kick, effortlessly flipped Johnny over his shoulder, dropping him to the ground instantly. Y/N had the honors of giving a final knifehand strike to Johnny's chest.

The last thing Daniel saw before losing consciousness were the two obscure figures standing in the middle of the group of Cobras they had defeated. A moan escaped his lips, then darkness overtook his sight.

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