Invocation Spells

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Invocation spells are used to call spirits. In general, they are used to call on benevolent beings (e.g. gods, goddesses, angels, spirit guides), particularly when you need to make a request of them. Sometimes, witches will invoke dead spirits in order to receive news and advice from loved ones. In some cases, a malevolent spirit may be invoked and then banished, but this is not something I recommend.

The art of invocation is useful and powerful, but beware of the risks. Invocation of angels is normally harmless, and invoking gods or the elements is generally safe as long as you have pure intentions.

However, invoking other types of spirits, such as ghosts or mythical creatures (elves, fairies, etc) can lead to some nasty surprises unless you know what you are doing and proceed with caution. These spirits may feel threatened or insulted when invoked, and sometimes their intentions and moods can be incompatible with the work that you want to accomplish.

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