No one in this country is going to accept it

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Giovanni could not stay with me any longer that day in the church. He had a meeting with England's prime minister. He was to be in Naples in two hours, and while he thought he could spare me another hour around Milan, his duties thought otherwise. Unfortunately, the crowd outside the cathedral was becoming too large for the security team to risk it. They felt he needed to leave as soon as possible. He promised he would come to see me later that night to take me to his favorite winery, but he didn't. When I came down from my room and to the front door of the building I only saw Salvatore dressed in his usual all black attire, who had another letter for me in that familiar, exquisite envelope. It was from Giovanni, I knew it. Seeing the envelope eased my bruised feelings, only a little. I looked behind Salvatore to find five other guards were watching the surrounding area. It seemed a little unnecessary. I thanked Salvatore and expected him to storm off like his usual self. Salvatore didn't leave once he delivered it. He stayed there biting his tongue. I knew he wanted to say something. I just wasn't sure I wanted to hear it.

"I know you don't like me, Salvatore."

He didn't say anything. He just stood there, looking up at the night sky, whispering what I could only imagine was a prayer in Italian. What the hell is he praying about? He better not be trying to kill me and asking for forgiveness before doing so. I'd be really fucking pissed if that were the case. "His royal majesty sent me specifically, in order to apologize to you, Missa Chance."

"Apologize to me, I figured, hence the letter," I smirked, raising the envelope to Salvatore.

"No, me, I am meant to apologize to you," his gruff voice told me he was not in a good mood. It was obvious he didn't want to apologize to me.

"Why do you need to apologize to me," I questioned, "Besides, it's not like you want to, obviously."

"An order, is an order." He spoke with such dignity and form, it was almost intimidating to watch, "I apologize for being callous and rude to you. As a friend to my royal majesty, I will respect you from this day on and provide you with the reassurance you deserve," Salvatore stepped back after that speech and bowed to me.

"And he says Americans are notorious for their proclamations," I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest. Salvatore kept his eyes forward, I assume a sign of respect. "Salvatore, why don't you just tell me you don't like me. While I don't like when people don't like me, it'll probably make you feel better."

"I wouldn't be able to do that, Miss Chance. His royal majesty wouldn't-"

"Guess what," I whispered, looking around before looking back to him with shocked eyes filled with sarcasm, "Gio is not going to know."

There was that twitch in his eye. He didn't like me referring to Giovanni as Gio. He sure as hell isn't going to like it when he finds out I have a new nickname for him. He took a deep breath before looking me dead in the eyes now. "It's not that I don't like you, Miss Chance. In fact, my attitude towards you is one of concern."

"Concern," I frowned, shocked by this turn of events.

"It doesn't seem to dawn on you just how risky your actions are. You're playing with the King of Italy. He is not some pawn, and he is far from a puppet. This is a man of rich history, a lineage that goes back to Roman times. A royal family that has the longest monarchy to have ever lived in the world. He is not a President, or some King that merely has the title for namesake. This is true royalty and the people of Italy are very protective over their royal family. Especially against outsiders," Salvatore was much closer to me now, his eyes wide in anger, but it wasn't directed towards me. He was angry about this situation. "I do not dislike you because I have never seen his royal majesty look at someone the way he looks at you. It has been merely three days since you two have met, and yet you have formed a connection unlike anyone else. So, no, I don't dislike you. I dislike the fact that no one in this country is going to accept it."

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