We're in the 21st century and he really shouldn't depend on letters all the time

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I made my way through the aisle to the restroom. "UGH," I groaned, now in the safe confines of a private bathroom, "I can't believe I didn't open the damn letter!" I stomped my feet, pulling at my hair. "You," I pointed at myself in the mirror, "have the freaking King of Italy hanging out with you and YOU do this! In this economy! With his face! I don't fucking thinking so! You better step up girl." I looked to my left, noticing the lock on the bathroom wasn't on. I quickly switched it from unoccupied to occupied. I grabbed some sanitizer wipe from the side and cleaned the toilet cover before covering the seat so I could sit on top of it and think about what I need to do when I get Giovanni on the phone. I'm sure I'll receive a call in no time when I get my freaking phone back.

"I could always tell Giovanni that we're in the 21st century and he really shouldn't depend on letters all the time," I smirked, leaning back on the toilet, kicking my feet as the image of his face scowling popped in my face. "He would totally hate that," I chuckled. Suddenly the sound of a man's voice made me jump on the toilet, clutching my chest for dear life. "Jesus, I thought a man came into the restroom."

They were making an announcement, and judging by the tone of the man, it seemed urgent. I quickly stood up waiting for the english translation.

"Attention! Attention! We are making an emergency stop in Bologna, please stay on the train. Attendants will be coming down the cars and pulling down the window covers, please do not lift the covers. Again, do not leave the train car, this will be an emergency stop."

Well that's ominous. I jolted out of my seat to unlock the restroom door, but it wasn't budging. "Okay," I frowned, unlocking it, and yet it still didn't open. "Oh. My. Fucking. GOD!" I stumbled back, spreading my arms out, "I'm stuck," I whispered under my breath, "I'm stuck in the fucking bathroom. No. No no no no, no fucking way!" I cannot be stuck in the bathroom, not with that ominous ass announcement they just made. Flashes of the movie 'Train to Busan' popped up in my head. There was no fucking way I was going to be killed by zombies! I stared at the door debating whether I should change it back to occupied. "Fuck it," I began banging on the door, "Hello! Hello! I'm locked in here, someone let me out!" I gasped, jumping back, covering my mouth. "But if there are zombies...maybe this is safer. I mean...I'm not some superhero. I'd be safe in here." I raised my brow at that quick thinking on my part, only to have Gino calling me a scaredy cat pop up in my head. "Damn him," I mumbled to myself. The train came to a stop, and I paused, listening against the door for any screaming. I could faintly hear voices, but then it went completely silent and the faint voices of the attendants could barely be heard. "Damn it," I whispered, "Speak up." I climbed the door trying to see if one part of the door was thinner than the other part, only to find this damn restroom door is as thick as Giovanni. No wonder they can't freaking hear me!


Salavatore scanned his eyes along the platform as thirty of the royal guards surrounded the now emptied Bologna train platform. He had come in his majesty's place, having been closer to the train station than he was. Giovanni had gone to Milan, but found Chance gone.

They were quick to locate her, having scanned video coverage. She had boarded a train going towards Florence, Giovanni knew he wouldn't make it in time, but Salvatore had been on his way from Florence and could have the train stopped at Bologna.

Salvatore knew he needed to locate Chance, after all, it was Salvatore's fault that she didn't get the letter in time. He hadn't been able to hand deliver the note to her, having been distracted by the crown prince's call.

When the train came to a stop, Salvatore nodded his head to the guards to board the train. They knew which train she had boarded, but it wasn't certain. The cctv that had taken the recording of Chance heading towards the train had moved to another direction before they could confirm her board.

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