Not to Grace Kelly

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My first kiss. It wasn't like how I imagined it would be. It was far more beautiful than I had envisioned. I was always worried I wouldn't know what to do, but the way his lips pressed against mine and his tongue swiped against my bottom lip, it was like he was leading me. It was like he knew; he knew I was nervous and knew it was my first. I had always thought tongue against tongue was weird, but when Gino's pressed against mine and swirled in incredible motion, I nearly passed out with euphoria. His large hands settled in my hair, pulling gently against my roots. I couldn't help but moan into his mouth, never wanting this to end. The pressure of his lips against mine stirred butterflies in my stomach, dropping lower and lower and lower.

And just like that, it was over.

I kept my eyes closed, still relishing the beautiful feeling of his lips against mine. "That was so nice," I whispered, "I'm surprised people aren't walking around kissing 24/7." The sound of his chuckle signaled me to open my eyes finally. The most radiant smile I had ever seen was on his lips. He must have liked the kiss. Right? I mean, nobody smiles like that when they hate the kiss. No way. Right?

"Am I a bad kisser?"

He didn't say anything.

"Why aren't you saying anything?"

Gino smirked, tilting his head to the side, "I am capturing the moment my Chance had her first kiss."

Jesus. Why is he always so honest?

"Don't.. don't say it like that!"

"Like what?" The radiant smile didn't falter. Hell, I think it might have doubled in size. He looks at me like I am a masterpiece.

"You just say whatever is on your mind."

"I must have got that from you," he said, that lost look still evident in his eyes.

"I don't say anything that comes to mind."

"You, my Fiore, most certainly do."

Before I could say anything, there was a loud crash from behind Gino. Gino turned around, his hand reaching out in my direction. I also looked in the direction of the impact, seeing smoke building up. "Oh no, was there an accident?" Gino didn't say anything before grabbing the paddles and rowing us back to the dock. He looked so calm, even with his guards running toward us. I think I would need to get used to their synchronization. Ten guards on the lake's right, ten on the left, and five at the dock to report. Do they practice this on their off time? They must. If I didn't know better, Lin-Manuel Miranda directed this performance.

"Your majesty, we found paparazzi sneaking into the villa. As they were being tailed, one van belonging to a pap crashed into a parked car."

"Anyone hurt?"

"The paparazzi, he is being taken to the hospital as we speak."

Before Gino could speak, a guard named Alessandro stepped forward and said something in Italian. It must be the thing Gino is trying to keep from me. It can only be that important if Salvatore has some aneurysm on the grounds somewhere. By the way, where is Salvatore? Gino silenced Alessandro with a flick of his wrist. Alessandro bowed, as did the rest of the guards, before dismissing themselves.

"I suppose I could only push it back for so long, and a photo of me kissing you when I should be on my way to an important meeting is not..." he watched me with a slight smirk.

"King-ly of you," I frowned, trying to find the right word for him to use.

"King-ly," he chuckled, perplexed by my made-up word.

"Don't say anything," I pointed at him, standing up in the boat, "I couldn't think of anything else! What else would you say? Huh!"


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