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"I think it's safe to say, your brother did not like you touring an American around." Once we were between the buildings of Venice, I took the crown from my head and gave it back to Gio. He gave it to one of his guards who radioed something in Italian to I'm sure very frazzled individuals waiting for one of many crowns to be returned. "I don't blame him," I shrugged, "And I'm sure I looked a bit, uncomfortable with the whole situation."

"Yes, indeed."

My brows furrowed together, snapping my head back to Gio who looked at me amused, "You could tell?" He nodded his head with a playful smile. "I'm not usually so, uncomfortable."

"Scaredy-cat, you act as if I don't already know you're wrapped up so tight," he pointed at my whole bod, "in there. It's quite obvious in the way you hold yourself. You're a gorgeous thing to behold and you capture anyone's attention that you pass, but you are unapproachable. How do I say this," he sighed rubbing his hands together before finding the words, "I don't think many people in this world would not find you intimidating. You are a fearsome creature."

"You have only known me for the day! I can be fun!."

"Principessa, I didn't say you weren't fun," he raised his brow to me. The way he looked me up and down like some beautiful goddess silenced me. So, he thinks I'm fun.

We walked down a more quiet street of Venice. With narrow alleys and unleveled paths, I was constantly being reminded that I was a long way from home. Which meant, I was a long way from who I am. I need to take those steps. I made that promise to myself. I can't be scared for the rest of my life. I can't be worried about what's around the corner forever. I have to take life on and...be like an Italian.

"I never knew streets could be this quiet," I broke the peaceful silence we had. He nodded his head in agreement continuing to walk ahead of me with his arms crossed behind his back. I looked up at the sky, the stars seemed different in Italy. They shined brighter here, they were free here.

"Venice may be a tourist trap during the day, but at night it is relinquished back to the Italians." His voice had a velvety smoothness about it. I could listen to his voice for hours and never get enough. I suppose I could listen to his voice all my life and never get enough of it. The person who gets to enjoy that voice for the rest of their existence is a lucky one. My eyes drifted back to the stars again when shadows of people in all black scaled the roof tops. His bodyguards. They were standing at the roof of buildings scanning the pathway ahead and behind. Wow. How did they get onto those roofs? Does he hire ninjas? Or do they just know how to scale buildings?

My eyes drifted back to Giovanni. He was playing with something in his hands. His attention was dedicated to the three delicate flowers in his hand as he twisted and intertwined it amongst itself. "I forget that your the King," I said again. He didn't look up from his flower, but the curve of the corner of his mouth told me he was listening. "And then your super secret spies show up and remind me."

"Don't mind them, mio caro," he lifted the three flowers now twisted around each other before sliding it behind my ear, "They aren't listening to anything, they're here for our safety." He motioned to the flowers behind my ear, "What are your favorite flowers," he dragged his eyes from my ear to my eyes as we continued walking. In the dark, with faint light reflecting on them, they seemed almost...obsidian.

"Lilies," I murmured, trying as hard as I could not to lick my lips. He always seemed to be unaffected by whatever the hell was happening between us, and yet here I was, bubbling inside and pleading for myself not to climb him like a tree. I wonder if I'd be good at it? Sex. It can't be that hard. It would be a lie to say I don't think about it often, and practice with various things in the privacy of my home, but with another human being, never.

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