Is it true, Gino trusts Oliver?

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A/N: Hello beauties! I hope you enjoy the update. I am trying to update every day for this week. Since my trip to Italy was canceled, I am just sticking to traveling in my country. I'll be heading to Seattle next week and will not be back until the 20th! I am going to take the Coastal Starlight train back home. It is considered one of the most beautiful trains in all of America! Please comment below and vote! Lots of love, CC!

I didn't know where they were taking me. I wasn't taken through the front door; Bianca had yelled out some numbers to us, which Salvatore punched into this large, intimidating door. It led to the garage. I looked around, confused, but Salvatore then went to what looked like an elevator. He pressed the button, and the doors opened. "Where does this lead, Salvatore?"

"It's leading to the tunnels underneath the home. It will lead us out to several different exits."

"Where will we go?" I was nervous now. There was so much going on in just a few moments. Just a minute ago, I read a letter from Gino on cloud nine. He told me all about how much he missed me and promised to call me tonight. He told me how he thought the negotiations with the Italy-Iceland Trade Deal went. He admitted that he had my advice close to his heart and went with what we had discussed when handling the Mediterranean Sea strategies. I was safe to make sure none of the prying eyes could read it. I learned the hard way, just what someone would do to get their hands on our letters.

"We'll take the tunnel that empties to the Vatican City."

"The...Vatican City, like the actual Vatican City."

"Yes, Lady Chance." Oliver's car was in front of us now. Oliver quickly got into the driver's seat, but Fernando stopped me from getting in.

"Forgive me, Lady Chance," he bowed his head, "I do believe it would be safer if you rode in the royal cars."

"And I believe it would be best if she rode with me, the man, his majesty, entrusted Chance to."

"I believe his majesty entrusted her safety to the royal guards!" The royal guards now stepped forward, Fernando igniting chaos.

"Everyone, just calm down." I raised my hands, catching all the men's attention. "I will leave with Oliver, Fernando. You are going to be in a car right behind me, right?"

"Si, Lady Chance, but I-"

"Is it true, Gino trusts Oliver?"

Fernando's jaw tightened; Salvatore was glaring at Fernando now. He straightened and quickly nodded his head, "Yes, Lady Chance. His majesty trusts him."

"Very good." I winked at Fernando, getting into the car as Oliver held the door open for me. "Stop worrying, Fernando; it'll give you lines." Oliver chuckled at my comment, as did the rest of the guards; even Fernando had to hide a smile.

"Trasferire!" (Move out)

The cars moved through the tunnels constructed of cement. At first, it was just one tunnel, one long, ominous tunnel. When it finally came to a break, there were four options. In the leading car, Salvatore took the furthest tunnel to the right. I looked behind me; the cars continued to follow. It was pitch black behind us, but as we continued through the tunnel, light flooded the tunnel with each mark we hit. "Oliver?"

"Yes, Chance."

"Why were they so concerned about the helicopter?"

Oliver shifted the car as we neared what I could only assume was the exit. "Well, having a helicopter so close to the premises with you on it is far too dangerous to ignore. You will find, soon, that there are rules when it comes to the royal family and their people. The helicopter was breaking protocols, and therefore the two news companies will have to come before the Royal Court."

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