Chapter 36

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In that night I felt better because I talked with someone and now I feel better...I know I talked with him about that before but it still feels good but it was kinda creepy when he said that he wasn't in Korea either...

He is a nice guy after all...I shouldn't have listened to Taehyung but anyway it doesn't really matter right now

The next morning the first thing I did was to call Ten

"Hello?" I said

"Hey Jimin..." Ten responded

"What happened with you and Lucas?" I asked nervously

"There is a big problem about that..." He said

"Ten tell me right now what happened!" I said scared as fuck in me

"That's the problem...I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!" He screamed

"What do you mean you don't know?!" I started to get angry

"I don't know what don't you understand? I woke up naked in the bed and he wasn't there"

"What?! I'm coming right now!"

I freacked out at that moment and ran as fast as I could through Ten's house from the hotel I was

When I arrived,I saw Ten crying and I just couldn't understand exactly why

"Why are you crying?!" I got nervous


"Tell me what's wrong now?"

"...maybe we did it last night and I don't remember!!!" He said and I wanted to kill him at that moment

I got so freacking worried about him and he wished to do it with Lucas?! What's wrong with him?!

"You dick! I was so worried!" I said angry

"What?" He asked as if he didn't know

"I thought he raped you!"

"I wish..." He said

"I know how you feel but why don't you ask him?" I said

"He already said that he's not gay" Ten said with a cry baby face

"Then ask him why you wake up naked" I suggested

"Good idea!" He said and hugged me

"Ask him now" I said and then Ten took his phone and tapped his contact

Lucas 💕

Me (ten) : Hi um..I have a question,why did I woke up naked this morning?

It took him a while to answer but in the end he did

Lucas 💕 : Hey,I honestly don't know,I wanted to ask you the same thing...

Me : You said you weren't gay right?

"What the fuck are you asking him!?" I asked Ten nervous for him

"Just wait~" He said

Lucas 💕 : I'm not gay I already told ya

Me : Hahaha jk jk jk

Lucas 💕 : ...

"What am I going to do now?!" Ten asked and started crying again

"I don't know but you fucked up a little bit" I said

"Thank you bro what can I say..." He said mad and turned on the other side

"C'mon Ten you don't need him...I understand that you like him but I think you really can't to anything about it so he can't either" I said feeling sad for him

"I really don't know but there should be something to do!" He said still hoping

I honestly liked that on Ten...he really hopes and believes to something that will should probably not happen,unlike me,when I broke up with Namjoon I was no longer believing that we will end up together and that's something that I obviously hate on me

I hate that I can't give more then one chance to someone...

After that,Ten felt asleep and I left for a walk wanting to explore a little bit this beautiful country

I put my shoes on,an oversized hoodie,some jeans and left

I stopped at a café to drink and maybe eat something 'cuz I haven't eaten all day

After I ordered one notification came to my phone

It was Blue again

Blue : Hi Jimin!

Me : Hey

Blue : How're ya doin'?

Me : Let's say fine

Blue : Did something happen?

Me : Not really,enough about me,what about you?

Blue : I'm 👍

When Blue sent his last sms my phone rang

It was Taehyung

"Hello?" I said

"Talk you bitch!"


Interesting right?

What do you think happened??? 💕

Comment and you'll see in the next chapter 🤩

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