Chapter 33

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Jimin's POV

"Are you ready?" I aksed Ten


"Don't be scared. Haven't you ever been into a club with him?" I asked

"Only once...there we met" He responded

"So what's the problem?" I asked again

"After we aksed him about his sexuality maybe he'll think I'm a creep or-" I interrupted him

"Stop!Don't be negative" I said

We then left and called a taxi to take us to the club

I was wearing ripped jeans and a quiet revealing shirt. I was feeling really good while wearing these clothes for a reason. I felt like I was starting to get free again after so much time...I felt good!

When we arrived at the club,in front of it was waiting Lucas. He was tall,handsome and really cute for Ten!

"Hi" He told me shyly

"Heya!" I said too

"Hi Ten" He said then and they both looked away

"Shall we go in?" Ten asked

"Yep" We said and then enteren in. This club was just huge

We sat on a table and ordered some drinks

"So Jimin,you are from Korea right?" Lucas asked

"Yep" I responded

"I'm from Korea too but I came here to study" Lucas said

"Really cool!"

"We both grew up in the same orphanage in Korea but I am Thai,both of my parents were and now another Thai family adopted me and brought me here" Ten explained

"Wow you are really lucky!" Lucas said

"Yes he is,and also very handsome! Brother Ten,just so you know,the person that will take you, it will be really lucky to have you!" I said and touched his lap

He then blushed and looked at Lucas knowing what I was doing

This was all part of my pretty plan~

"Yep! Let's drink for Ten's happiness then" Lucas said after drinks came

I was surprised because I wasn't expecting Lucas to be a hard person...

After some hours of talking I realised how perfect is Lucas for Ten. He is smart and kind and the best of all...TALL!

We all got a bit drunk but not as much as Ten. I didn't really know what to do at first but then one idea came to my mind

"I'm so fucking drunk!" Ten screamed in front of Lucas

"Let me call you a taxi" Lucas said

"N-No no! N-No need" Ten screamed again and felt into Lucas arms

"Then what should I do?" Lucas asked me

"Well I'm really tired and u-um,I have to meet with a old friend!" I lied "I can't really take care of Ten right now,my 'meeting' is really important to me so could you please take care of Ten over night?" I lied again

"Y-Yes sure but are you going to be okay?" He aksed

"Yes sure don't worry!" I said and started to get nervous

"Okay then,see you tomorrow I guess" Lucas said

"Alright,goodnight!" I said anf left

I did all this shit so Lucas and Ten will be in the same space alone,maybe something would happen,who knows

I am going to a hotel for this night I guess...

Namjoon's POV

After hours of searching all over the computer to find the correct file and recording we finally found what we needed

"Let's open it!" Jungkook said and what we saw,it almost made us faint...

All this time Yoongi was the one who made Jimin suffer

But why?!

"What the fuck?! Isn't this he the guy who is Jimin friend with?" Taehyung asked shocked as all of us

"Yes!" I responded

"I heared he got beatten" Jungkook said

"Do you have something to do with that?" Taehyung asked me suspiciouly

"M-Me?! What the fuck,no!" I said and looked away

"Are you sure?" He asked me again

"Yes Taehyung!" I said and looked even more away

"Look me in the eyes" He said


"To see if you are lying" He siad

I didn't look him in the eyes after all because I couldn't...

"So you bite him" Taehyung said "Why?"

"Because he was getting on my nerves when he was with was obvious that he liked him" I admitted

"But why did he do this to Jimin if he liked him?" Jungkook asked

"I think I know..." I said

Why do you think Yoongi did this? 😦

Comment and you'll see in the next chapter 😋

Purple you 🌌 💜

Baby boy | MinjoonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon