Chaper 11

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"Can't you understand that we are not dating?!" Namjoon said and these worlds made me feel a bit pain for a reason

"I wish I could believe you" He said and I got even more scared and I started overthinking

"What the hell do you mean?!" Namjoon asked really angry

"I already told you,I don't want to see my mom hurt" He said and I could smell that he was lying about that fact

He didn't even care about Soo Min...his problem was totally not that,but then what?

"You are lying" I said without any regret

"What? Why would I lye? Soo Min is my mom" He said a bit panicked

"You are lying" I repeated "Your problem is not Soo Min"

He didn't say anything else next and just left with his look down

"What a weirdo" Namjoon said and then came closer to me

After what Jungkook said earlier about Soo Min I started overthinking really much

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me after  he steped closer to me

"What if Soo Min will be mad at me for dating her own son?..." I asked with red eyes

"If she loves us she'll support us. Trust me she is a really good person and she can actually forgive anything and anyone in the world" He said and that made me feel 10 times better

"Well...okay then" I said "But next time we will really have to be more quiet and lock bith of our doors" I added

"Yes sir" He said and we both laughed a bit

I loved him so much

Sometimes I can really feel if someone is lying or not and that's why I said in front of Jungkook that he was lying

Some hours later I got an SMS from Jennie

From Jennie ❤🍆

Jennie ❤🍆 : Hey Jimin

Jimin : Hey Jennie

Jennie ❤🍆 : How are you doing surrounded by so many hot boys? 😏

Jimin : It's fine

Jennie ❤🍆 : Are you sure? ;)

Jimin : Of course I am

Jennie ❤🍆 : Well it's ok then

Jimin : Jennie I have a question

Jennie ❤🍆 : Split it

Jimin : I recently watched a k-drama and a boy lied to his brother about something...

Jennie ❤🍆 : What is that something?

Jimin : Well...he lied to his brother by saying that he care about his mother and that he didn't want to get hurt because of that boy's sexuality

Jennie ❤🍆 : And what was the question?

Jimin : Well the question is why did he lie?

Jennie ❤🍆 : Maybe it's because he was afraid to admit his own sexuality

Jimin : omagad yesss

Jennie ❤🍆 : 🙃

Jimin : 💕

That's why Jungkook got mad. He was just scared!

I really had to talk about all this with Taehyung. I ran immediately though his bedroom and knocked the door

"Who is it?" He asked

"Jimin" I said

He then opened the door and I ran really fast in

"What happened?" He asked

"I have news" I said

"What news?" He was confused

"Jungkook is gay!" I almost screamed

"What do you mean? Some days ago he had slept with a girl" Taehyung said still sad about what happened

I really had to answer his question but in my answer Namjoon will be in so I had to admit that we were dating

"So...Namjoon and I are..." I didn't have enough courage at that moment

"You and Namjoon what?" He asked

"We are dating!" I said really scared of what will happen

"Oh.My.God" He said

I didn't really know if he was happy or not...

"That's amazing!!!"

What a happiness feeling entered into me

"But what about Jungkook?" He asked

" and Namjoon slept together last night and some minutes ago he led me to my bedroom and there was Jungkook waiting for me and he started saying that we will hurt Soo Min and that  she will hate me for dating her own son and stuff" I explained

"Alright but how did you discover that he is gay?" He asked

"He lied. His problem wasn't Soo Min or the fact that I'm dating Namjoon,his problem was that he was too scared to come out of the closet with the fact that he's gay and he got jealous that me and Namjoon were able to do that without any problem" I explained

"Okay this news are amazing but he still slept with a girl" Taehyung said "Why did he do that if he's gay?" He asked and he got me confused too that time

"Maybe he did that because he was scared to admit that he is gay" I responded "But I'm still not sure about that" I said

"We will find out"


*coming out of the closet* = admiting that you are gay

For the readers who didn't know

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