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Vasco looked at me in worry but I casually gave him a thumbs up.
He nodded and looked back at gun.
Gun took off his glasses and smirked evilly.
Dang he really looks scarier face to face..
I quickly got up and wiped the blood off my mouth and got ready to fight and give my all to help vasco and Daniel.
I could see that crystal didn't want gun to beat the crap out of us and I didn't want to feel pain right now.
But I think I can at least land one kick on him since I already know what he does next.
But just as gun was about to fricken beat us up crystal stopped him " wait! He didn't lay a finger on me! Shall I tell him you've been fighting again?"
She keeps on talking and of course I don't listen since I already read this scene.
I yawn as they leave and talk to Daniel then suddenly vasco falls to the grown.

I race to his side "hey you good vasco?" Daniel freaks out and also asks if he's okay.
"Who was that in the glasses?" Vasco says as his blood drips from his nose and Daniel obviously doesn't know.
I sigh and press my little hanky to his nose "why do people like fighting in this world it's annoying" I mumble to myself.
The boys look at me in confusion "what do you mean our world?" They ask.
I clear my throat "SO you don't know who the glasses guy is?" I ask and Daniel shakes his head no.
Then Daniel looks at both me and vasco and smiles "thanks for helping me out you guys"
I smile "your welcome but just know I didn't have to but I did~ so I don't know but uhh you might owe me some food" I smile to myself my mouth watering to the sound of food.
Daniel laughs but vasco stays silent.
Vasco then hands Daniel a milk.

I smile and sip on my milk looking out in front to the world "I found it on the street" I deadpan and sigh "yup we found it just laying there"
Daniel freaks out for a second before taking it "uh thanks I was thirsty"
I smile to myself as vasco blushes a bit 'so cute!!'
I squeal in my head and continue sipping on my milk carton.
Then once again vasco talks about fighting I laugh and stare at the clouds.
"I wonder what my family is doing right now" vasco and Daniel look at me "where are they?" Daniel asks.
I look at them "let's just say they're in another country right now" I smile sadly but get up quickly "but anyway uh Daniel shouldn't you be going? You need to perform!" He gets up as well and nods "well then I'll be off" he runs off.

I sigh and look at vasco "so uhm wanna go watch his performance together?"
He gets up excitedly and grabs my hand.
We get to the crowd and wait for Daniel to start his performance.
"Okay! Come on out! Daniel Park and Duke Pyeon!"
I start cheering loudly and look at vasco "oh come on cheer for your friend!!" I smile widely.
He begins cheering but not as loud as me.
I smile widely as Daniel and duke walked out on stage. "Whoooo go duke!!" I cheered with a large smile.
"Today's last performance! A collaboration of the fashion and vocal dance depts!"
A few minutes passed and Daniel opened his mouth to sing a sweet melody "yEaH"
The crowd went silent all the while I was laughing my ass off. It's much funnier when you hear it yourself.

As I wiped my tears from laughter duke started singing.
I looked at him in awe "wow.." was all I could say.
I couldn't believe my ears, his voice was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard.
I glanced at the people around me and their faces were filled with shock.
But I wouldn't blame them since dukes voice was beyond amazing.
Then a few minutes later Daniel starting singing as well.
I could tell that they both have talent for singing.
The crowd went wild after Daniel sang his heart out.
Then Daniel and duke started singing together and it was like heaven but in sound.

Then sadly the performance came to an end and once again the crowd went wild.
After the crowd dispersed I stretched and looked at vasco "man that was amazing right?!"
"Yea" he smiles a bit.
We then say our goodbyes and went home of course.

                         ~Time skip Next Day~

I sat at my desk and sighed "wahh I'm so bored" I pout to myself until "Daniel~♥︎"
I look at yui and scoff "I forgot about her" I mumble to myself and watch the scene play out in front of me. "Hmm I wonder what will happen now that I'm here.." I mumble to myself ignoring jay's confused look.

(A/N: wussup mates I hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry for the late update I had school and then chores lmao well I wasn't lying when I was saying that I'll update on Monday's and Friday's xD so don't worry. Well adios mates.)

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