Chapter One

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I sighed. Today was just like any other day. Wake up,  take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, yadda yadda...when is anything exciting ever going to happen? I swear, my life is so dull. Honestly, it looks like the day outside. It's a cloudy morbid day. Hah. Perfect comparison to my life.

As I walked to school, I saw a homeless mother and her daughter talking about all the things they wished they had. I promptly dissipated my pessimistic thoughts. My life was good enough as it was, even if my aunt and uncle were too busy always getting drunk to ever be around. Plastering a smile on my face, I walked through the dimly lit high school hallways, saying hi to my friends with a wave, and putting my stuff in my locker.

Finally...Sophmore year is here... I mused mentally.

I sat down at my desk, ignoring Derrin, the class clown who had a crush on me and was always trying to get me to be his girlfriend. This time he surprised me with a fake box of chocolates. I rolled my eyes. "Get over yourself, I am not and will never be yours," I whispered to him.

He winked at me. "You'll change your mind." I made a gagging face, and turned in my desk, raising my eyebrows at a new student in front of the classroom.

Mr. Kowalski, our geography teacher, was introducing him, but I could barely pay any attention to the teacher. I was trying to determine exactly what the hell I was seeing around the boy.

Is he...glowing...?? What the heck is that?

I brushed it off as craziness, rubbing my eyes, and mildly stretching my muscles. The corpulent young man sat on my right and smiled. "Hey." I smiled back. "Hi, I'm Sofia." He held out his hand. "I'm Bryan. Nice to meet you, Sofia." I shook his hand, a small blush creeping up on my cheeks. "Nice meeting you too."

Derrin scowled on the left side of me and stuck his face close to mine. "Hey, fatass! She's taken." He attempted to grab my hand, and I got pissed, slamming my fist into his face. Mr. Kowalski stood up. "All right! Who's disrupting the class now?" I sighed and stood up. "I'm sorry, Sir. It was my fault." He smiled. "It's all right. I know some people can be annoying. Derrin, to the principals' office immediately!" I had to resist the urge to laugh as Derrin scowled at me while leaving the room.

I can protect you. Trust me. A British accent expressed in my mind.

I blinked. What the fu-

Glancing over at Bryan, he was staring at me with intense eyes, as if his very pupils were on fire. For a minute, I thought I was going mentally insane but I merely shrugged it off, sat back down, and paid attention to the lesson. At noon, it was lunchtime, and I was sitting alone, lost in my thoughts when I heard someone clear their throat. Bryan was standing near the table with a smile, lunch tray in hand. "Hi, do you mind if I join you?" I smiled. "Hi, of course, I don't mind." He sat across from me, adding dressing to his large salad, scowling at it. I tilted my head. "What's wrong? Don't have an appetite?"

He growled slightly, making me jump. "I hate salads. My parents have me on a diet, saying that I need to lose weight to 'fit in' and 'be like everyone else'. I'm so tired of all their shitty comments. If I want to or don't want to lose weight, why the fuck is it their fucking problem??"

I sighed, looking down at my half-eaten pizza, and smiled. "Want to trade?" He gazed at me as if I were crazy. "Wait, you mean it??" I nodded, smiling. "Yeah, I'm not that hungry anyway..." He grinned and we switched trays. "You're awesome, thank you, Sofia!" I smiled, munching on lettuce and croutons.

"So, what made you come here?" I asked the new kid, chewing thoughtfully. He cleared his throat, washing the pizza down with a dark red liquid, that looked like wine. Who drinks wine in high school? I thought to myself.  He shrugged. "My family and I always moved around a lot, until we finally settled here." I hummed. "Busy family?" He smirked. "You could say that. What about you?"

I looked down, twiddling my thumbs under the table. "Um...not much to tell really, I'm an only child, and my parents are dead." I shrugged. "I live with my aunt and uncle who are never really around either." He stared at me, solemnly. "Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. Here." He handed me a small, folded piece of paper, and I saw an address and phone number. "You can always come to my place or text me if you're ever lonely."

I smiled. "This is so sudden...thank you so much, Bryan."

He smiled back. "Not a problem."

We threw our trash in the garbage and said goodbye to each other.

The rest of the day went by in a blur and I was walking to my apartment, trying to remember even the smallest, tiniest thing about my family, but I couldn't seem to recall anything. I rubbed my forehead with my fingers in a circular motion. All this trying to recollect was giving me a serious headache, and everything started spinning. I tripped over my shoelaces, but two big, strong arms caught me.

"Hey, are you okay?"

I was still dizzy, but I could just feel a pair of hands shifting me so I was lying down. My skull throbbed painfully, making me whine. Two people started to converse, and I recognized one as the British accent I thought I imagined before. "What do you think happened?"

"She was probably trying to remember her past. We can't let that happen. It's too soon." Bryan's voice cut through the air. I tried opening my eyes, but the pain was unbearable and I kicked my legs, crying. "It hurts..." I felt like every inch of my body was on fire, then a cool hand came upon my forehead, soothingly. "You'll be alright soon enough."

I quivered, whimpering, as two needle-like objects caressed my neck. What's happening to me? Tears spilled from my eyes. "Hurry, she's becoming fearful." I felt a pinch in my neck, then something warm spilled onto my skin, and I lost consciousness.

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