s. 010

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"hello, karn!" jimmy almost jumped out of shock. he just went out of the bathroom after having a relaxing shower and then he found his friend, pangpond, crashing in his place again.

"why are you here?" he straightforwardly asked, passing by the latter to sit on his bed while drying his hair with a towel.

"i suddenly feel bored while studying so.." pangpond walked through the refrigerator.

".. so what? is this a park for you to wander around when you're bored? don't you know privacy, dude?" jimmy giggled silently.

"awh一 as if you're bringing a girl in here to wreck up, that would be a good reason for me not to come in your place."

in a snap, jimmy's towel was on his friend's face.

"what the fuck, jimmy?"

jimmy just laughed, standing up to get dressed.

"hey, karn." after getting through jimmy's refrigerator, pangpond came into his bed. "why don't we call your honey-bunch-sugar-pie?"

jimmy, who almost drifted into sleep, sat up as fast as he can. "shall we?" he asked in full eagerness.

"uh huh."

“hey!” they both heard after jimmy switched it to speaker mode.

pangpond smirked as he saw how glad his friend are upon hearing the guy from the other line.

“how are you? it's been a while!”

“heard you've been waiting for my call.” pangpond responded that made jimmy's eyes widened.

“yeah— wait, what?!”

pangpond can't help but to chuckle as he witness the two panic males. “kidding. i'm good. how about you? you seem to have lot of stories to tell. sorry, i was busy lately.”

“good to hear you're good. but i am not.”

“ao. why?” pangpond knitted his eyebrows and so is jimmy as they wait for the younger to answer.

“i don't know. i kept thinking about the kiss.. no, more like i keep on thinking about that asshole.”

pangpond immediately made a distance from the phone, covering his mouth to contain himself from laughing. jimmy glared at him so he got back to their work. “you like him?”

“no. why would i?”

“how about me?” pangpond's voice became serious.

“what do you mean?”

“how do you feel about me?”

“h-huh? haha. what are you.. t-taking about?”

“do you like me?” pangpond clearly asked, earning another glare from jimmy.

“you know i'm not into guys.”

“neither i am.”


“until i saw you. at the foundation day. freshmen year. you really caught my attention. after that i can't get you off of my mind.” well, he's just saying what had jimmy told him a hundred times already.

“how can i... like you back if i don't even know your name?”

“so, do i have a chance?"

“i...” they heard a sigh from the other line.

“it's fine, tom. you don't have to answer it. i.. i really am not expecting that you can like me back.” pangpond smiled.


“don't be. it's all my fault. ”

“no. i'm sorry.”

“so i guess, let's call it a night.”

“what?! i still don't know who you—”

“you don't have to know, tommy. good night.”

as pangpond ended the call with coolness, jimmy just started breathing properly.

"hey, you don't have to be nervous. it's a very good thing that we are knowing his feelings, little by little." pangpond tapped his shoulder. "and man, you have a huge chance!" he tried cheering up for his friend.

"do i?" jimmy asked.

"oh no一 dude, why are you being slow in this kind of matter?" pangpond sighed.

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