s. 01

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jimmy sighed for the nth time of the night, looking at his phone.

“if you won't study for tonight, you can now leave my room. i can't concentrate with your sighing.” pangpod said after putting his book down. he then grabbed a bottle and chugged his milk.

“i've been like this for two hours already and you're just complaining now?!” jimmy raised a brow.

“whatever. if you can't still call him, you're wasting another opportunity. and time.” his friend got back to his book again.

jimmy let his body fel on pangpod's bed and sighed for the last time before finally, calling the phone number he's been staring at for how many minutes.

“hello? who's this?” jimmy's eyes became wide open and so his mouth.

pangpod, who heard the voice from the other line made him looked up from his book and grinned.

“uh, hello?” the guy from the other line spoke again but jimmy can't utter a word. pangpod's giving him a sign that he should talk now. they are like playing charades. and jimmy's the dumb player who can't get the right answer.

“okay, bye.” the call was ended.

this time, it was pangpod who heaved a disappointing sigh.

Midnight Calls ( Jimmy & Tommy )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon