s. 07

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"No, I'm not gonna call him now." Jimmy hard-headedly stated to Pangpond. It's quarter of the one when his best friend crashed into his unit. Carrying a pillow, the latter told Jimmy that he'll be spending the night with him.

"Why not?! You obviously wanna talk to him as f—"

"Yes I do, but he seems mad. I don't know."

"Then make a call so we can ask him what's the matter?"

"How can I ask that? He will surely recognise my voice since we already talked a lot."

Pangpond rolled his eyes and heaved a sigh. "So what's the use of me?! Stupid Jimmy— Come on, call him. I'll do the talk."

Jimmy's eyes widen but pouted after. "Eh? What if he recognise your voice too?"

"Actually, I've been thinking about this even before we go to orphanage last time. That's why I didn't go with you and Saint. And was quiet as fuck."

"About what?"

"Since he's being more open to you now, it'll be better if you can answer or give some words when he's consulting you. And, I'll be your mouth so that you can have more details about him. Am I good? Yes. I know." Pangpond grinned.

"Woah— didn't know you can be so productive like this?!"

"How dare you?!"

"Haha. Chill, alright! I'll call him now."


After three rings, Tommy accepted the call. Jimmy turned it into loud speaker and Pangpond leaned in.

"I don't know why am I being mad right now." The guy from the other line began and so Pangpond raised an eyebrow, looking at his friend.

Jimmy shrugged.

"I mean— I don't really understand what is this shit." They waited for another word from Tommy. "I already mentioned about what happened to the orphanage, right?"

Pangpond, surprised, mouthed Jimmy 'what-the-hell-happened-in-the-orphanage?!', with his teasing smile.

"Or didn't i?"

Jimmy replied 'nothing' silently.

"Whatever, but yeah. That day when I left the orphanage with Jimmy to buy some stuff, that's when it all started."

Pangpod continuously teased him quietly.

"I really hate him."

Pangpond became serious and get back to work. "Why?"

"I don't know. I just do know that I hate that guy." They can hear the other sighed.

"Did he do something bad on you?" Pangpond suddenly asked that made Jimmy's eyes widen.

"Hm, to be honest... none."

"Then what about the day with him on the orphanage? " he continued asking him.

"Actually, when I was hitting him because he laughed at how stupid I am, he suddenly said that i'm cute."

"Hm." Pangpond just replied but currently teasing his best friend by his eyes.

"Yes.. I became angry that time. maybe because he lied to me."

"You sure you're angry? How come?"

"I suddenly felt heat all over my face."

'Owh.' Pangpond smiled cheekily to his best friend.  ".. and what lie did he say?"

"That i'm cute.. "

"That's not a lie tho."

"That is."

"That is not."

"That is."

"I think you're cute, too.—" when Pangpond said that the call dropped.

"Eh? Did he ended it?— he maybe is mad at me more now." Jimmy pouted.

"Relax. He isn't. In fact, we confirmed that he has a crush on you." Pangpond confidently responded.


"Uh-huh. He said he's mad but it clearly shows that he is affected by your actions. "

"You think so?"

"Yep. You two are both panicked gays."

"How dare you call me that?"

"What? Aren't you?"

"Gay for Tommy only."

"Yeah, panicked gay."

"Whatever. Let's sleep now."

"Sure. Can't wait for you to treat me lunch later."


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