"I'm Sam and not to burst your bubble or anything, but I'm not mundane, and neither is my sister and honestly, Jace is the least of my worries. Right now, all I care about is my sister and finding my mother" Once Sam finished, something hard bumped into her skull, making her groan in pain.

It was Clary who just bumped into her, "Sam! Thank god you're okay," Clary said, hugging her older sister. The redhead frowned, pulling away, looking around her in bewilderment, "Wait, where are we? Where's mom?"

Sam opened her mouth about to launch on an elaborate explanation of what she saw tonight, but she was interrupted by the blonde guy and the other tall one who had black hair, "Mundanes shouldn't even be here."

Sam rolled her eyes, sighing in agitation. She couldn't understand how would any one of them think they were just human if the blade can light in their hands or the runes that can be easily marked on their skin, "How many times do I have to say it? We're not mundanes."

"They are not mundanes, Alec," The blonde guy confirmed, crossing his arms in front of his chest, making the muscles in his arms bulge.

"How do you know that?"

 He shrugged as if the answer was clear as day, "Because the seraph blade lit up when she touched it." He answered, turning to look at the blonde catching her eyes. She nodded, "Finally, someone here with common sense,"

He was amused at the blonde, his eyes glinting as if he sees something completely fascinating to him, "I'm Jace Wayland, by the way," He introduced himself with a cocky smirk that Sam wondered if the girls fell for it, who was she kidding of course they did.

"I'm Sa---" She started to introduce herself when he cut her off, "Sam Fray, we know who you are." They both stared at each other, each one of them eying the other carefully.

Alec seemed to notice how the couple looked at each other, so he shook his head with a scoff, "Am I the only one who finds this unusual?"

Jace rolled his eyes at Alec as if this wasn't the first time Alec had disapproved anything, "You find everything unusual, Alec."

"I have to report this to the Clave."

"You know what? Dial it down a notch." 

Isabelle chimed in the two guys' banter, "My brother doesn't have a dial. I love you, Alec, but you have a switch that's always on."

"I love you, too. But this-" He gestured with his head to the two girls who couldn't understand what the problem is.

Jace shook his head, "Hey, you know what? Give me a minute. Here's a word you never hear me say. Please?" Jace asked

Alec was flabbergasted at how Jace was acting. He thought the blonde must have hit his head hard or something. Those actions didn't sound like him at all, "What is with you?" He asked, turning to look at his sister as if she has the answer, "Really, no, what is with him?"

Isabelle smiled like she knew something no one else did. She stood up, approaching her brother, linking their arms together, "Walk with me, big brother."  She walked him out of the room or, more like, pushed him out of the door, much to his dismay.

"Your friends are definitely something." She muttered, turning around, making some room for herself on Clary's bed. The redhead who felt like she was lost, she never knew anything about this world, and suddenly she's trusted into it most brutally, unlike the blonde who knew the truth in the comfort of her home.

Jace stood beside her as she settled herself at the end of the bed, looking at her sister, "Your wound, it's healed." she remarked.

Clary put her hand self-consciously on her neck, remembering the demon who attacked her in her home, she frowned looking up at Jace with wide eyes, "How is that even possible? So, what, I'm miraculously healed, and all of you stunning people have magical powers?"

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