Chapter 6

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I just sat there on the couch staring into the fire. I'd be crying but, I have no more tears to shed. Its been 4 and a half months since my twin sisters "accident," and my other siblings and I haven't been the same since. And it has hit us the worst since Christmas and the Yule Ball is just around the corner. It still hurt knowing that my other half, my twin sister, is still laying there on that hospital bed, still in her death like coma. I haven't actually spoken to anybody since then. Fred and George try to keep their pranks going but stopped since normally Randi is helping them do the pranks. Ginny hasn't been her cheerful self in a while and my brothers and I are getting worried about her. But my siblings are supposedly worried about me the most, seeing is that I'm her identical twin. I don't see the point in them worrying about me. I'm just wasting away to nothing. I haven't eaten properly in weeks and now I'm all skin and bones, I went into mute mode most of the time, I'm failing most to all of my class, and I haven't smiled in what seemed like forever.

I brought my legs up to my chest and laid my head on my knees. I felt a single tear fall and I didn't dare move to wipe it away. 'So...' I thought to myself, 'this is what she must've felt.' I took a deep breath and kept staring into the fire. All of a sudden I heard someone barge into the common room. It was Professor McGonagall. "Ah, good," she said frantically, "All 4 of you are to come with me. Quickly, this is something that you need to see." She then walked out and one by one, my siblings and I slowly followed her. She finally stopped and looked at us. I then saw that we were at the Infirmary. "Why are we here?" I asked her hoarsely. She let out a small smirk and said, "You'll see." And she opened the doors and saw a large group of teachers and students gathered around someone particular that was in that bed. I heard a few say, "Easy now darling, don't strain yourself," and "Listen to her love," and then I heard the most too familiar voice say, "I've been out for 4 and a half months, I think I can still walk on my own." No... that couldn't be her... Could it?

I then heard someone fall and the curtain gently rolled away from the person that fell. I then saw a flash of the most familiar black hair. I moved passed my siblings and through the crowd. I then saw something that I thought I would never see......


Draco and Madame Pomphery insisted on me staying in bed but I had to get up and move. I had them help stand to my feet. "Easy now darling, don't strain yourself," Madame Pomphery said. I slightly chuckled and then Draco said, "Listen to her love." I smirked at him and then said, "I've been out for 4 and a half months, I think I can still walk on my own." I made them let go of me and I took a few shaky steps and end up falling to my knees. Before Draco helped me up, everything went silent. "R-Randi?" I heard the most familiar, but hoarse, voice that I've heard most of my life. I slowly looked to meet the eyes of my other half. My own twin brother. He was in pure shock. HIs eyes filled with painful yet ecstatic tears. I was then engulfed by 8 familiar arms. My other siblings.... Fred. George. Ginny. Ron. I then broke down right then and there, hugging my siblings back. I have never cried this badly in a very long time. My heart ached seeing the pain that I have caused them. I kept telling them that I was sorry over and over and over again. Eventually, all of the students and some of the teachers left for bed and my siblings and I finally calmed down. I wiped away all the tears and my siblings stood up and I tried again myself but groaned knowing that I couldn't. I looked to Draco and he helped me back onto my bed. I smiled at him and mumbled him a thank you and I received a kiss on the forehead and he told me that he'll see me in the morning. I smiled at him telling him bye and he left with my brothers glaring at him. "Well," I said, breaking them from their glare, "It's been 4 and a half months huh?" My siblings looked at me and they all nodded. I looked down and then said, "I'm s-sorry," I felt tears start to well up again, "This all my fault." I brought my legs up to my chest and put my head down on my knees as I cried again. "It's all my fault that you guys ended up like this," I sniffled and someone sit on the edge of the bed, and then felt that somebody's hand on my shoulder. I looked up slowly to see Ron. "It's ok Ran," he said as tears fell from his face, "All that matters is that you're alive and with us." He sniffled and moved closer to me, bringing me into a big, brotherly hug. I cried into his shoulder as he kept telling me, "it's ok," and "everything will be alright," and I just kept mumbling, as I cried, "I'm sorry."

After Ron and I finally calmed down from crying, they said goodnight to me, each of them giving me a hug. Ron was the last one to hug me and as he hugged me, he said, "I'm going to owl mum and dad and tell them you finally woke up. I know they have been terrible for awhile now but they have the right to know that you're ok." I slightly nodded at him and he let go of me, kissing me on my forehead. "Night," I told as I laid down. "Night," he said and left. I just laid there until sleep overcame me. And in a very long time, I actually slept.


Your Favorite Ninja: PHEW!! THAT took forever!! Well, sorry it's so short.... school's been keeping too busy for my own comfort:/ Anyways! Hope You guys liked it!! I'll try to make the next chapter awesome! SEE YA MY LITTLE NINJA'S!!!!

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