Chapter 1

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I sighed as I was packing my trunk in my very small bedroom. It used to be the room of a elf and I lost my shared room with my twin brother, Ron, since we're getting older. And since most of my entire family hates me now, I was moved up here away from everybody. "Ron! Randi! Ginny!" I heard mum yell, "get down here for breakfast!" I closed the lid on my trunk and lugged it down the many stairs of our house. As soon as I put my trunk by the door, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of toast and an apple. I sat down in the corner, where I normally sit when my family and I eat. Well, I barely eat actually....... I only eat a little bit so my family and friends don't realize my problems. "Now hurry up," mum said, looking at my brothers, Ginny, and dad, avoiding looking at me, "or we'll be late for the train." That was my cue to get out of the kitchen and get my trunk into the car. As usual, I was seated in the very back away from my so called 'parents' and sat closest to my older twin brothers, Fred and George. I just sat there quietly.

As soon as we got King's Cross and onto Platform 9 ¾, mum and dad said their goodbyes to my brothers and Ginny, and I just walked into an empty compartment, and watched as mum was now waving at my siblings. She then met my gaze and gave me an emotionless, disgusting look. I looked away and brought my knees to my chest, and let a few tears fall. From my peripherals, I saw her face changed, just for a second, from disgust to guilt. I hid my face with my hair and started crying silently to myself. I then couldn't cope with the pain within me anymore. I grabbed my small handbag that had my small essentials in it and ran to the nearest bathroom. I closed the door and locked it. I then went into my handbag and grabbed the only friend I had left; my razor. I pulled my sleeves up and saw my half way healed scars. Another tear fell and I dragged my razor down to my wrist, and let the cool metal collide with my skin. I cool release I felt helped yet again. For every tear that fell, another cut was made. If you wanted to count all of the scars that were on my arms, there are numerous scars on my arms, stomach, and along my thighs. So let's just say, there were a lot of tears shed so that means there were a lot of scars made. Let's just say that. As my face was now dried, I put my razor make into its hidden compartment in my handbag. I then looked at my now more damaged arms, Fresh and dried blood was now mixed up and down my arms. I just let out a shaky sigh and pulled my sleeves down, not bothering in cleaning them. I wiped away any stray blood that got on anything in the bathroom and walked out, keeping my head down. I walked back into the compartment that I was in and sat back down, bringing my knees back up to my chest. I let out another shaky sigh, and closed my eyes.

Then someone cleared their throat. I lifted my head up slowly to see the one boy I would least expect to see. Draco Malfoy. "Sorry," he said, "but every other compartment's full and this was the only one open. I hope you don't mind." I shook my head, letting my legs fall to the floor. I cleared my throat and said, "No, its fine. I just thought I would be by myself before we get to school. Since, my brothers are with their friends and all." He looked at me, "I'm sorry, my memory is kind of a blur. What's your name again?" He doesn't even remember me. Even from the amount of times he picked on me over the years just because I'm a Weasley. "Call me," I said, "call me Randi. You can figure out the rest..." I then looked down. "Randi?" he said, "As in Randi Weasley? The odd Weasley that was put into Slytherin?" I just slightly nodded, hiding face in my hair. "Oh," I heard him say. "Go on," I said, looking up at him, "aren't you going to insult me? Make fun of me because I was given a boy's name? Call me a 'blood traitor?!'" I was now shaking. He gave me somewhat of a confused look. "No," I heard him quietly say, I gave him a confused look, "When you bring that up, I want to apologize to you personally about how I made the past years at school a living hell. I only did that because your brother and I don't see eye-to-eye, and plus my friends wouldn't want to see me go soft on you just because your a girl. So, I say again, I'm truly sorry."

I was in shock. Draco Malfoy was apologizing, to me! Before I could say anything, the train came to a stop. I looked out the window and saw that I was finally back home. The one home where I can be left alone to do what I want, when I want. When I looked back at Draco, he was gone. I sighed and grabbed my stuff and headed of the train to meet with my brothers, "Where have you been?" Fred asked me. "We've got the last carriage waiting on us," George then finished what Fred said. I rolled my eyes and walked ahead of them towards the last carriage. I just sighed and was then thinking about what Malfoy just said to me not too long ago on the train.

The Weasley Slytherin ~Draco love story~ **ON HOLD**Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt