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name: Randal (Randi) Elizabeth Weasley

age: same as the Golden Trio (and in the same year as them too)

looks: (pic) has long pitch black hair(because she dyed it) with dark red streaks, has snake bites, has the Weasley eyes and looks identical to Ron(but with a sadder expression with black and red hair), wears long sleeves most of the time to hide all of her scars, hasn't smiled since before she got her letter from Hogwarts

family: Molly and Arthur Weasley (parents), Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George (older brothers), Ron (younger twin brother), and Ginny (younger sister)

friends: mostly a loner but has Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and Neville from Gryffindor, Luna from Ravenclaw, and talks to Malfoy once in a great while

personality: keeps to herself most of the time, mostly a loner, talks very quietly, has severe depression and a self harming problem that NOBODY knows about

likes: Transfiguration, Potions, and Quidditch

dislikes: most of the people in her year, getting bad grades, and her depression

talents in: Potions, and is the all star Captain/Beater/Seeker on the Slytherin Quidditch Team

bio: Before I say anything else... yes, I am a full blooded Weasley. And I am a Slytherin. The Sorting Hat put me in Slytherin because that I had different potential than my other siblings. So it put me in Slytherin. From then on my parents never give me the same warm, loving smile that they give my other siblings. My older brothers don't even notice my presence anymore except for my two brothers, Fred and George, and my own younger twin brother, Ron. My life was the best until I got my letter and I was put in Slytherin......

The Weasley Slytherin ~Draco love story~ **ON HOLD**Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz