Chapter 4

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As I passed the music hall, I heard something crash in there. I then ignored it and then walked away but was stopped when I faintly heard someone in there whispered, "Help." I opened the doors and saw her. I then felt my heart literally break at what I saw. I saw her. I saw Randi. Laying down on the cold floor surrounded in a massive pool of blood. "Randi!" I screamed, not caring if anyone heard me, and ran to her side. Her eyes were closed and she was barely breathing. I then turned my attention to where the source of the blood was coming from. I gasped in shock. It was her arms.... that were the source of all this blood. I then felt tears falling from my eyes. "Randi!" I said, "Come on, wake up! Please!" I grabbed my wand and tried to use magic on her wounds but it didn't work. 'Madame Pomphery!' I thought to myself. I then gently picked her up and ran as fast as I could to the Infirmary. I burst through the doors and screamed for Madame Pomphery. "Mr. Malfoy! What has happened to Miss Weasley!?" she said as I set her down on one of the beds. I then felt tears fall again and I said, "I-I don't know! I found her like this in the music hall in a massive pool of blood!" She put a hand on my shoulder and said, in the most calmest voice, "Go get yourself cleaned up in the back and then rush to Professor Dumbledore's and inform him what has happened and that he is to send for her brothers and sister, and to owl her parents what has happened." I then nodded and did what she told me to do.


I still can't believe I saw my OWN TWIN SISTER sitting and eating breakfast with MALFOY!!! I'm still pissed off about it! I sat in the Gryffindor common room waiting for second period to begin. I watched the fire until I saw Professor McGonagall came into the common room with Fred, George, and Ginny trailing her. "Ah! Mr. Weasley," she said, "you and your siblings need to come with me to the Infirmary. Something terrible has happened that you all need to see." I stood up, nodding, and followed her out. When we were at the Infirmary doors, she stopped and faced us saying, "Now, what your about to see may become a heart breaken shock to you all." "What is it exactly Professor?" I asked her. She sighed and said, "It's your sister, Randi." My eyes widen as well as my siblings' eyes. She opened the door and she walked us slowly to the only curtain that was closed. Before the curtain was opened, Madame Pomphery came out and closed the curtains again. "Ah, good," she said, "you're all here. Now what your about to see will....... well, I don't know how to say this so easily but I'll explain once you see." What the hell happened with Randi that people are having such a hard time telling us?!?! Madame Pomphery opened the curtains and I physically felt my heart break. I fell to my knees at what I say. There was my twin sister, just laying there. Her arms bangaged all the way to her elbows and a blood transfusion IV in her hand. "Like I said," Madame Pomphery said, "I don't know how to tell you this but............ Miss Weasley here is on life support. Someone found her in the music hall this morning like this. She has lost a lot of blood. And has been unconscious since she was brought to me." "So," I said as my voice was cracking, "You're telling us that Randi............" I didn't want to even finished that sentence. "Yes, Mr. Weasley," she said, "We are under the impression that Miss Weasley was trying to commit suicide." That's when me and my 3 siblings broke down. I KNEW something was going on!!!! Why didn't she just tell me!! I'm her fucking twin for god sakes! My brothers and sister then fell to their knees and hugged me as they were crying as well. But..... they weren't crying as hard as I was. This was MY twin laying there! It felt like half of my soul was taken. She's my other half! We were born together, we were raised together! We did everything together! I shakily got up and made my way to where she laid. I sat on the edge of the bed and held her hand "Randi?" I shakily said as tears were pouring down my face, "Come on Randi........ wake up.... please... please." I then broke down again right then and there. And I didn't move from that spot until I heard the door open again and I heard running. "Where is she?!" I heard a familiar voice. The curtain opened further and I then saw mum and dad standing there. I looked over at them as they looked at me..... then at who was laying on the bed I was sitting on. Mum and dad broke down right there. Mum sat on the chair and dad fell to his knees as they cried. "This is all my fault!" mum exclaimed, "If I haven't said those awful things to her after we got back from the muggle doctor when he told us what was wrong with her, this would never have happened!" I glared at mum with confusion. "What do you mean?" I asked her, "what do you mean 'got back from the muggle doctor!' What's wrong with my sister!?!?!" Mum broke down again. Dad cleared his throat and said, "We took Randi to the muggle doctors because the wizard doctors didn't know what was going on with your sister. When we took her to the muggled doctors, he told us your sister was diagnosed with a sleeping disorder called insomnia. And then he....... and then he told us.........." he couldn't even finish his sentence. "What?" I said, "What did he say?!" I was furious now. They never told me ANY of this until now. "He..." dad stuttered, "He told us that........ Randi was then diagnosed with severe depression and that in a few years.............. all of her emotions will 'hit her' as he put it...... and......... and.......... he said that this would happen!" I then broke down again. Tears were falling uncontrollably and cried as hard as I could. I couldn't control it anymore. I could've prevented this. If I hadn't shut her out after the sorting all those years ago. This wouldn't have happened!


Hours have passed and I was the only one that stayed. Mum and dad had to leave, and my siblings went back to the common room and went straight to bed. But I stayed. I sat in the chair closest as I could to her bed and haven't left in hours. I only left for the bathroom but other than that, I haven't left her side. I haven't eaten and I don't want to anymore. Not with my sister in a coma and is now on minor life support since she has been given at least 2 and a half pints of blood. I then felt a hand on my shoulder as I was drifting off. I looked to see it was Professor McGonagall. "I think you should be heading to your own bed, Mr. Weasley," she said, "I have someone on their way to keep an eye on her for you. I also took the liberty in having one of the elves send some food to your dorm since I did not see you at dinner tonight." I looked back at Randi with a sadden expression. I then looked back at her and nodded. "T-Thank you Professor," I said as my voice was hoarse. I stood up slowly and left with her to the common room.


As Professor McGonagall left the hospital wing with Ron, I walked in and sat right next to her. I gently grabbed her hand and intertwined her's with mine. "Hey Randi," I whispered to her, "If you can hear me, there's something that I've been meaning to tell you." I cleared my throat and whispered to her again, "Ever since the sorting in first year, I've had my eyes on you. When you passed out when you were sorted into Slytherin, I was sitting in this very spot because your brothers weren't allowed to visit you. All those times I was being mean to you, that was to just so I can see that beautiful face and see the way your gorgeous eyes shine in the light. I planned on asking you later in the year seeing that both of us are now the new Prefects, but, I really, really like you Randi, and I'm hoping to get an answer when you wake up but..... I want you to be my girlfriend. And liking you as much as I do, it broke my heart when I saw you lying there on the floor in the music hall. And when Madame Pomphery first told me that you have to be on life support and that you were in a death like coma, my heart shattered." I felt tears start to fall from my face. I didn't care anymore. This girl laying in this bed has changed me in so many ways, people started to think someone replaced me with a alternate Draco. But they're wrong. This girl is the reason for it. And I honestly don't care what people thought of me anymore. "You," I stuttered, "You have to wake up Randi. Please. Your brothers and sister need you. I need you! Please......... don't leave me all alone." And at that moment, I broke down and cried my eyes out.

~Third Person~

As Draco was weeping over Randi little did he know that when he was telling her how he felt, her twin brother just re-entered the Infirmary because he left his robes next to her bed. Ronald just stood 5 feet away from the two, in utter shock at what he just heard come out of his sworn enemies. Ron just shook his head and silently walked out of the infirmary.............. still trying to process what he just heard tonight.

The Weasley Slytherin ~Draco love story~ **ON HOLD**Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora