Chapter 2

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As the sorting ceremony was over and the other two magic schools were introduced, Dumbledore then explained about the Triwizard Tournament. I just rolled my eyes and put my head down on the table of my house. That I was seated away from all of the other Slytherins, seeing that I have no actual friends in my own house, and my so called friends were in the house that I belonged in; Gryffindor. "Now, that everything is done announced," Dumbledore said, "I will now announce the new student Prefects. Now, when I call your name, come forward and stand in front of your house." I just scolded at it and Dumbledore announced the Prefects for Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. "The Gryffindor Prefects are Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger," he said, and I looked up to meet my shocked gaze. He and Hermione walked up and stood at Gryffindor's table. "And last, but not least," Dumbledore said, "The Slytherin Prefects are Mr. Draco Malfoy and Miss Randi Weasley." I was now in complete shock. Did he just say my name? I then slowly stood up from my seat and walked slowly up to the front of the Slytherin table to meet Malfoy. I stood next to him, as I saw that mostly everyone in the room was now looking at me. "Now, as I said," Dumbledore said, "These are your house Prefects. First years will follow them to their house common rooms. Treat them with respect as they have been chosen for their intelligence and dedication. Now, off to bed."

As the students exit the Great Hall, I saw that the first years were standing right in front of us. I cleared my throat and said, "Ok, so... You can call me Randi, and this is Draco. Now we're going to show where the Slytherin common room is." I then led all of them out as Draco was behind the group watching them listening to me. "Now, you must remember where you're going around here. You will get lost in here. Trust me from experience. Anyways, you must remember where the entrance to the common room is and its password, or you'll be sleeping out here until you either get caught by Filch or will be waiting till morning before getting. Any questions so far?" I then saw a hand go up as I stopped us in front of the common room door. "Yes?" I said. "Is it true that you're the mistaken Weasley put into Slytherin? That everyone thinks that you're really not a Weasley?" the student asked. I just sighed, scratching my wounded arm. I nodded and said, "Yes I am an actual Weasley, I have the baby pictures to prove it. Yes, I am the only Weasley that was put into Slytherin. And if there are any questions pertaining to who I am, KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF." I kinda growled at the end of what I said. I just sighed, scratching my arm again. I turned around in front of the wall and said the password, "Anguis labebantur." And the wall began to move away and showed the common room. I turned around and said, "The password changes every 2 weeks so it will be posted on the wall to the right so don't forget to look at it every once in a while to make sure the password doesn't change. Now, come on then." I then walked into the common room and stood by the stairs, waiting on the awe-struck first years. I just rolled my eyes and said, "Now, all of your stuff will be in your rooms. Girls upstairs to the right. Boys the same to your right. Night!"

And the first climbed the stairs to their rooms and I was now left with Malfoy looking at me. "S-See you in the morning then," I said, not even looking at him and walked towards the Prefects bedrooms. I opened my door to see my trunk sitting at the edge of my bed and my owl, Artemis, in her cage by the window. I sighed shakily and closed the door, walking to Artemis and letting her out. She perched herself on my arm as I petted her then let her fly out the window and into the night sky. I then closed the door and started getting my things out for tomorrow, when I heard a knock at my bathroom door. Confused, I grabbed my wand and opened the bathroom door to see Draco. "What the hell?" I muttered to myself. I crossed my arms and said, "And may I ask why are you in my bathroom?" "Our bathroom you mean?" he said, leaning against the door frame, "our rooms are conjoined and we share the same bathroom. Don't asked me why, cause I have no idea. I just rolled my eyes and scratched my arm again. I growled to myself at my arms itching already. Draco saw me itching my arm. "Are you ok?" he asked. I smirked to myself. Gee, haven't heard that question before. "I'm fine," I said, "I uh, I guess I'll see you in the morning." He nodded, saying goodnight to me, and went into his room.

I sighed, closing my door to the bathroom. I sat at the edge of my bed and pulled my sleeves up, seeing why my arms are itchy already. I gasped looking at my arms. They seem to be getting a bit infected already. I just sighed and pulled off my clothes and into my pj's. I then curled into bed and just laid, trying to fall asleep.

You see when I was sorted into Slytherin and most of my family shunned me, that's when all of what's wrong with me now has happened. I was diagnosed with depression by a wizard psychologist, but my entire family doesn't know that because I went to the psychologist by myself, not telling my parents. With the depression, I began hurting myself. And with all of my other problems, I was then diagnosed by a muggle doctor that I had what muggles called insomnia. Meaning I have trouble sleeping or I don't sleep at all. So here I am, laying in my bed. Just laying there for another sleepless night. With the insomnia, that's the only thing my parents know about what's wrong with me because they took me to that muggle doctor. Have I ever mentioned how strange muggles are? They always have been VERY odd to me. My dad admires them and so does the rest of my family but I never was very interested in muggles. I looked at my clock and saw that an hour had passed. Well, one hour down..... many more hours to go.

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