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Do you remember that moment… the time when your surrounding stopped and all you can see was her… just her... doing some mundane stuff – hanging the clothes she just washed, her beaming smile after she finished…and her arms, wiping the sweat in her forehead… it was nothing special, but then, it was the time I realized, that she is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on, and as that moment sink in, I realized that, I was madly… deeply… IN LOVE WITH HER…


“You want to kiss me?”

“Huh, what?” I asked surprised, realizing that Marge is leaning down and her face so close to me.

“Do... you… want… to… kiss… me???” she teased.

“No!!!” I shouted, sitting up straight and turning back trying to hide my embarrassment. But before I can walk out…

“Oh, okay. I’m sorry then. I just thought, because you were looking at me intently… and even after I was already in front you, your gaze didn’t leave my face. But yeah… I guess I misunderstood… I guess it is just me having these feelings” Marge explained, sadness in her tone.

I felt my chest tightened. “That’s not true… not true at all.” I shouted in my mind.

“I guess, you don’t lo…” Before she can continue what she was about to say, I turn around, close the distance between us and crash my lips to hers. It was our first kiss.

“I… I love you... okay… Do... don’t ever say that you are the only one having these feelings. I am in love with you.” I whispered as I rested my forehead against her.

Before I can say more, she smiled, kissed me… this time with much force, much more hunger. I guess, I did say the right thing…


“Whoohooo!!! Break time!!!” I heard Alex voice as she entered my office.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, looking up at the person who just entered. I was a little bit annoyed that my quiet time in the office was disturbed.

“It’s 3PM, its break time right. Employees normally have a snack and chit chat during this time.” she reminded me.

“You are not a normal employee of this company. You are the VP of Marketing Department, and I’m sure everybody is expecting more from you than this.” I said sarcastically.

“Well… well… well… tell that to our CFO and CTO then.” Alex replied as we saw Raine (Chief Financial Officer) and Pat (Chief Technology Officer) walked in the room with coffee and donuts.

I sighed knowing that I won’t be able to finish my worked as I planned.

After 30 minutes….

“Okay, out with it.” I said loudly than usual.

“Out with what? What do you mean?” Alex feigning ignorance.

“Come on, I know all 3 of you are busy people. We’ve been having our break for 30 minutes now and none of you are showing a sign that you are leaving my room. So, what really is the problem here? Don’t fool me that this is just us having a break.” I answered somewhat irritated.

“It’s Friday afternoon, Dee. I think we deserve a break from time to time.” Raine answered calmly while she sipped her coffee.

“Then you can relax on your own office. It’s definitely bigger than mine and you can have privacy. Don’t you realize, you three, are putting me in trouble. The higher ups going to a manager’s office. You don’t even visit the room of the other department heads and my boss too.”

I PROMISE (Lesbian Story - Dee x Marge)Where stories live. Discover now