08 (b) - 2gether Healed

Start from the beginning

We didn't know anything about you other than a photo that Wat had taken of you. All we knew was that you loved Scrubb.

So we started going to every Scrubb concert in the city. I thought it was a one-in-a-million chance he would see you again. But Wat was willing to take those odds.

He even went to concerts in other cities when he could. At every concert, he would move from one corner to another, row by row, trying to find you. It was heartbreaking to see him build up his hopes and see him disappointed every time.

At one point, Boss couldn't bear to see Wat that way anymore and threatened to break our friendship if he continued.

Wat promised he would stop after the 2U concert. That's when he saw you again, and we couldn't do anything to stop him after that."

Boss continued, "Wat forced Man and me to enrol here because Scrubb does concerts here. It was the stupidest reason I'd ever heard, and this is despite the many stupid things Man and I have done in our lives. And coming from Wat of all people.

We knew he was still hopeful he'd meet you again.

Man and I decided to give him time and space to get over you. All we could do was be by his side.

And then, one fine day, you appeared out of the blue right before our eyes, just like in the movies.

And Wat went crazy.

I know he acted all cool with the "Kiss you till you drop" and everything, but he was ecstatic beyond belief.

He wanted to tell you immediately that he liked you. He was so excited he wanted to run back to you immediately.

We stopped him.

You didn't know Wat, you didn't know of his search for you, or why he liked you.

Heck, you like girls.

Imagine if he'd come and told you back then that he liked you. You'd have been totally weirded out and that would have been the end of it.

Wat is not someone who would have pursued you if you'd said no. He would have let you go, just like he's let you go now."

I was reminded of Wat's complete absence from my life this past week.

Man took a swig of beer, and then spoke -
"Wat becomes more comfortable with himself around you, smiles more, expresses himself better, opens himself up to new people and experiences.

Before he met you, Boss and I were his only friends. He wouldn't even speak to anyone else much. He was always courteous but never open. People thought he was arrogant, especially with his looks and his talents in music and on the field. Only we knew he was actually just shy and awkward and quiet.

Wat is the best friend we have. Boss and I would have self-destructed from our idiocy long ago if Wat hadn't been around to bring sanity in our lives."

Boss sniffed loudly, and continued from where Man left off -
"He's our brother and we can't bear to see him broken like this. He's withdrawn into a shell since he spoke to you last week. He won't even open up to us.

Every night, he drinks himself into oblivion because he hasn't been able to sleep since that night.

Yesterday, he said he had put in a transfer request to move to another college next semester. He said he couldn't bear to be in the same campus as you anymore.

Not after he'd gotten the chance to know you.

He says he was obsessed before, but it has grown into something far more abiding and stronger after spending all this time with you. He loves you."

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