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Heidi's pov:

As her 3/4 best friends, we new something bad was gonna happen, well that's what we thought.....
"Wait is that?-" Chris started. "Baby girl? Hell yeah it is." Bryan finished.

(Miley is the first one that's in the middle)

Miley's pov:

It's been forever since I could move like that. After we finished, everyone started clapping. For who? I looked at everyone, to see they were clapping for me. "Thank you guys so much." I smiled. "We know how hard it's been for you, for the past 5 years." Lyra said. (Girl performing on the left of Miley)

"And since you haven't danced ever since, girl you really got some moves!"  Harley commented. (Girl on the very right) Her comment made everyone hoot and holler. "So, please tell us, when will you start showing people your secret talent again?" Harley asked.

"Well it wouldn't be a secret if told anyone now would it?" I laughed boldly, but nervously inside. "Take your time Miles, no one is going to rush you." Lyra said soothingly. "Baby girl?" I froze. Bryan.

I turned around. I smiled fakely. "You never told us you could dance. You used to hate dancing. At one of our school dances, you kept stepping on Tristan and mine's toes." Chris smiled. I couldn't help but chuckle at the memory. "Well things change guys."

"Yeah things change but obviously not my pinkie toe that you stubbed." Chris sparked. I then just laughed a real laugh. "Wow, your laugh is beautiful." Darius smiled. I started to blush. "Awe, is little boo blushing?" Heidi teased. "Stop!" I blushed a little darker.

I looked at me wrist watch. 7:29. "Hey guys, don't our lives start in a couple hours?" Heidi asked. "Yeah at 9:00, and we still need to get Miley and outfit." Tyler said. "We should get going." Bryan said, making everyone nod in agreement.

Who should Miley dress up as? And who should the others dress up as too? Let me know for the next chapter.

Just a little TikTok crush....(Tristan Blane)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora