"Where is my juice.? Where has it gone too.?" He exclaimed and I squealed inwardly in joy. But masking it, I exchanged a glance with granny.

"What are you talking about.? Where will it go.? You must have drunk it. You are really becoming forgetful these days."

"Old lady. Believe me. I didn't drink it. When I placed it here, there is more than half of the juice in the glass. This little brat must have done something with it." He said while pointing at me angrily. I just pretended to step back in fear and went behind Granny.

"God..why are you scaring that poor girl.? Do you think people here are so desperate to drink it from your glass.? Don't be so petty and stop blaming her for these silly reasons." Saying this, granny stood up from her seat while glaring at Gramps and held my hand.

"Come with me, dear. If we stay here, he will make us go insane for sure." She said and before going inside, I took a last glance at Gramps and saw that he was mumbling something while looking at the juice glass skeptically.

"Granny, I have something to say," I told granny once we settled ourselves on the couch in the living room. She nodded at me in approval.

"Granny, two days back I made a cake..right. That day after you all had left, Gramps ate a piece of cake. When Dhruv asked why he was eating it when he clearly shouldn't eat it.? He said that I was the one who forced him to have it when I clearly didn't do it. Dhruv asked him when did I do that as he saw me sitting beside him quietly all the time. But he insisted that I forced him to do it. Having no choice, Dhruv reluctantly agreed to his words." I said to her and she was hearing everything with a frown on her face.

"That old man must be lying shamelessly to have the sweet treats ." She muttered angrily and I stifled my laughter.

"No. Granny, if he was lying, it isn't a problem at all. The problem is, he is not. You know I am doctor..right. I can say his condition at a single glance. He is hallucinating everything. Didn't you see it with your own eyes earlier.? Didn't you notice that he is behaving so grumpy.? You can ask Dhruv about the day's incident too in front of Gramps. He will definitely say that I was the one who insisted on Gramps to have it. If he looked at Gramps and answered your question, then it means he is clearly lying to satisfy his grandpa." I told her with an earnest expression on my face.

"Is it.?" She asked and I nodded at her firmly.

"Let's wait for him then." She said.

After a while, Gramps came inside and sat on the opposite couch to us. He kept on huffing at us to annoy us more. We just ignored him and waited for Dhruv.

At 8'O clock, Dhruv came home and was about to head to our room directly but granny stopped him and called him.

"Dhruv, Answer my question..okay." She said and he just looked at her in confusion but nonetheless nodded his head at her.

"That day, did your Grandpa eat the cake made by Aaru.?" She asked him and I saw that Gramps shifted in his place nervously after hearing her sudden question.

Dhruv immediately glanced at Gramps and when Gramps looked at him deeply, Dhruv nodded at him briefly. All the while, Granny and I were watching their actions with our hawk eyes. When Gramps noticed our gaze, he pretended to squat the flies with his hands, much to my benefit.

"Yeah. He did but Aarna was the one who insisted him to have it." He said and I just wanted to laugh out on his face. He always blurts out the answers in the unexpected situation but this time it was in my favor.

After hearing his answer, she immediately looked at me and I just gave her a look 'I told ya'. She nodded at me and asked Dhruv to sit with us

Be my last love.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora