Dear cousin Greta

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Dear Cousin Greta

I think it's wonderful that you have decided to do something beneficial for the environment, but I would like to provide further insight on this matter. There is no doubt that you have already read the BackPack website since it has come to be such a popular company for eco-friendly vacations like the one that you are hoping to go on, however I do think that you should think a bit more thoroughly before booking any of those packages.

I have to admit that it is tempting to choose these packages that seem to offer so much and help the environment a great deal. BackPack claims to contribute to both local as well as foreign charities every time you choose them and they insist that this way of travelling reduces the damages of tourism greatly while allowing tourists to indulge in pristine, sensitive environments. They even state that this will help locals in those remote locations. This is all true, but there are still consequences aren't there? Although the damages are diminished, there are still some damages.

Now think of this scenario, if a diabetic consumed a small amount of sugar everyday then there would be almost no consequences, but if this happened frequently no matter how small the amount of sugar there would still be consequences. It's the same for eco-friendly tourism. Even though only a few tourists go on each trip these do happen frequently since the organisations that plan these holidays still need a profit and there won't be one if there are only a few customers. If you think of it an eco-neutral trip to a non-sensitive location like Paris won't affect the environment as much as any trip to a fragile location like the Galapagos islands- just like how eating a heavy sugar diet will affect non-diabetics less than even small amounts of sugar for diabetics.

Eco-tourism is challenging and we don't even know if it is successful, but what is guaranteed is that if it fails there will be dire side-effects. Who knows if obeying rules is enough? Also, if everyone chooses eco-tourism then this will still be harmful so I do think that people should avoid these locations altogether. Better safe than sorry!

I hope to hear from you soon after you have thought this through and come to a decision.


Betty Cooper

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