dear headmaster

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Dear Headteacher

My son informed me that you have announced that there will be a massive change in the student's schedules and although you have honourable intentions, I would like to tell you in advance that this new change will be an utter disaster.

Imagine if this same timetable that you are setting up for the pupils was used in our jobs. You as a teacher would have to spend one day grading, another day teaching and also one where you have to spend the entire day, which would be for about eight hours attending meetings. Wouldn't you be exhausted? Wouldn't you be unfocused? This is exactly what you will doing to the student with the new vigorous 10-day timetable.

You have stated that the main reason for this change is because according to your belief's students forget what they are taught due to the constant switching of lessons, but do you think that making each lesson day-long will change this? After nine days of different subjects, the last lesson's work will be thoroughly erased from a pupil's mind. Moreover, you have said that this change will help incorporate a few entertaining activities with the usual tests and lessons, which I think is impractical since everyone knows that the student will be completely distracted, for example a student will be thinking about the movie that he should write his movie report on instead of focusing on his grammar test. The two sets homework that are assigned also add to the harshness of this program because doing all this means a child will be concentrating on one subject for an entire school day and half of the evening before and after the lesson so there won't be any time for other essentials such as socialising and exercising.

Furthermore, a key point that education systems are based on is that every individual has their individual strengths and the new system will completely demolish that. You will be cancelling classes for a few subjects then add extra science and math classes, but what about the students who were good at the cancelled lessons or the ones  who can't cope with more math and science or won't  even require the two subjects in the future? It is also very concerning to hear that not only will teachers be changed each time for the same lesson, but also that some of these teachers will be ones that don't have the qualifications to teach the certain lesson. I assure you that the teachers lacking qualifications will not be able to teach properly and the constant switching of teachers will only add to a child's confusion.

I appreciate that you are trying to improve the school's quality of education, however I firmly believe that this is not the right method due to its extremeness that is bound to frustrate students as well as teachers. I am hoping to hear from you soon regarding the changes for this decision.

Yours faithfully

Lisa McDonald

(Lucifer McDonald's mother)

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