What my favourite characters taught me

Start from the beginning

/ That fear is a strong enemie to everyone- and sometimes, we let it win.

/ That it's facing your fears really is hard way- especially on your own- but often it is the right one.

7. Richie Tozier taught me that you might be able to hide your true feelings and emotions neu und humor die a while- howeber, sooner or later you won't be able to hold them back anymore.

/ That you can try to deny who you really are, but one day you'll have to face the truth.

/ That you won't be able to run from your past forever.

8. Bill Denbrough taught me that it's okay for a leader to show weakness.

/ That sometimes your friends are the ones who understand you better than anyone- even your own family.

/ That your friends will be there dir you, no matter how difficult you think things are.


9. Five Hargreeves thaught me that sometimes what doesn't kill you really makes you stronger and that the people who have been trough the most shit are sometimes the ones who have the most strenght to carry on.

/ That you should never completely give up. No matter how hard and hopeless the situation seems at first.

/ That you never really stop caring or worrieng about your loved ones.

/ That sometimes the smartest or strongest people are the ones who have been trough the worst experiences.

/ That no matter how much you fight, or how many conflicts you have- at the end of the day, your family and your friends are always what matters the most.

/ That sometimes the people who seem to care the last  are sometimes the ones who deep inside care the most.

/ That many things we do- even if they're not completely right- we do for our loved ones.

10. Klaus Hargreeves taught me that drugs and alcohol are never the best way to deal with  your problems.

/ That you van try to run away from your trauma. But it will most likely catch up to you.

/ That trauma can cause real big issues.

/ That sometimes even if you've been trough so much, it's still possible to be a kind person.

/ That if people don't always complain, it doesn't always mean that they don't suffer.

/ That people aren't always okay. Even if they look like it.

11. Diego Hagreeves taught me that you often fight with your family, but in hard times you'll still stick to them.

/ That sometimes, if there are bigger problems, you schould be able to lay your conflicts aside.

/ That at some point you should stop to always try to be netter than the others.

/ That many people actually have a softer, more sensible spot. No matter how though they act.


12. Robb Stark thaught me that what you say and what you do will probably have consequences.

/ That you should keep your promises- especially the important ones.

/ That it's okay to fight for what you believe in. But you should also know when to stop.

/ That for most people their weakspot are their most loved ones.

13. Oberyn Martell taught me that you schould never overrate yourself.

/ That it's good to have courage. However to much of it could become deadly.

/ That it's normal for people to seek vengeance for their loved ones if something happens zu them.

/ That you should make the most of your live, so you will have something to remember.

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