Chapter 3

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"What do you think?" Jimin asked Taehyung who sat on his bed putting an earing on.

Taehyung turned to Jimin, a smile instantly making it's way to his lips "you look beautiful, If you weren't my best friend I would so9 hit on you" Taehyung said.

It was the day of the party, Taehyung & Jimin were getting ready to go at Jimin's house.

"You can still hit on me" Jimin joked, "you sure you should be saying that when you have a boyfriend?" Taehyung asked turning back to the mirror, Jimin rolled his eyes "stupid boyfriend" he mumbled under his breath.

"Did you say something?" Taehyung asked "... I said my boyfriend is so lovely that no one is better than him so even if you did hit on me you wouldn't get me" Jimin smiled though it was obviously fake.

"I'm sure that's not what you say but ok" Taehyung sighed finally giving up on putting on the earing that he had been trying to put on for the last 20 minutes.

"Want some help?" Jimin asked "yes please" Taehyung breathed out, Jimin took the earing from Taehyung's hand, and easily put it on Taehyung.

"How did you do it so quickly?" Taehyung asked "I wouldn't know, now go get dress so we're not late" Jimin said "yes sir" Taehyung said grabbing his clothes and going into the bathroom.

After about 5 minutes he came out "what do you think?" He asked "you look great tae, I would seriously hit on you if we weren't best friends" Jimin said.

"And you didn't have a boyfriend" Taehyung said

"Of course that too" Jimin said forcing yet another smile.

💖-or- 💔

The boys arrived at Hoseok house, not long after 8pm, the was half full, there was loud music playing in the background some people dancing to it while other did their own thing.

Weither their own thing was drinking or talking to other people.

When Hoseok spotted Taehyung and Jimin he instantly gave them both hugs before allow them to venture around and do as please as long as they didn't do anything bad he was fine.

Jimin had told himself he would stay with Taehyung when they arrived but Taehyung had other plans and after a bit of deciding the two spilt up and Jimin made his his way to the bar area of the party.

Dispite getting along with Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok really well, Jimin wasn't really the social type and usually kept to himself waiting for someone to approach him.

Jimin ordered a few drinks, slowly drinking himself away.

And He didn't stop untill a girl around his age walked over sitting down next to him, "you've been drinking alot, something bad happen?" She asked.

Jimin looked around before looking back at the girl besides him "you talking to me?" He asked " yeah" the girl said "do I know you?" He asked.

"no... I just thought that maybe you needed someone to talk to and talking to strangers is easier than talking to people you know" the girl said.

"True, what's your name?" Jimin asked "Nancy" the girl smiled "Jimin" "well what happened Jimin?" Nancy asked.

"There's this guy, he's 2 months younger than me and I've known him for pretty much the whole of my life, were best friends" Jimin sighed "so what's the problem?" Nancy asked.

"I like him, I have for 3 years now, but about a month ago I was shopping with my other friend, I ran into him and my friend told him we were dating" Jimin explained "we aren't dating but my best friend doesn't know that, it's hard lying to him and not telling him that I'm single and that I love him".

"That's understandable, but why lie to him?" Nancy asked "I don't know, I just don't how, it's been about a month, he's not gonna be happy" Jimin sighed "but the longer you leave it the worse it gets, what if a month turns into a year? Are you gonna keep hiding the truth from him?" Nancy asked.

Jimin didn't say anything "tell him, tell him that your not dating your friend, even if you lie about the reason he will understand why you did it if he finds out the real reason" Nancy said.

"If you love him don't lie to him, it could end badly".

Not long after Nancy said those words she left and Jimin didn't know what else to do but drink, so he drank and untill he could barely think straight.

Once he was finally drunk he went to go find Taehyung, it wasn't as easy as Jimin thought it would be but he found him eventually.

Taehyung was sitting on one of the couches next to some girl, the two of them talking, Taehyung had a drink in his hand it was half empty.

As Jimin grew closer the girl got up and walked away,
"Taehyung" Jimin sung sitting down next to his best friend "Jimin...where were you?" Taehyung asked "I was at the bar, who was that girl?" Jimin asked.

"A friend" Taehyung said "what's her name?" Jimin asked leaning his head on Taehyung's shoulder "Leerin" Taehyung said "is she really just a friend?" Jimin asked.

"Mhh" Taehyung hummed in response "how much did you drink though? I can smell it on you and I can clearly see your drunk" Taehyung said "well I had about 3, and then I met this girl, we talked then she left and I drunk some more I stopped counting after the 5th drink" Jimin smiled turning his head to look at Taehyung.

Jimin notice how close they were, he would have turned his head away or moved If he wasn't so drunk "a girl? What did you talk about?" Taehyung asked.

"You" Jimin said his smile slowly fading" "me?" Taehyung asked "mhh, but I'm not tell you what we said, it's a secret, hehe" Jimin smiled leaning closer to Taehyung.

"Tae... I feel like I'm doing something wrong, I feel bad for some reason, but I don't know why" Jimin said his eyes meeting Taehyung as he spoke.

Silence fell upon them as they continued to stare at each other, Jimin didn't even realize he was leaning in untill his lips made contact with Taehyung's.

Taehyung completely froze at the action before pushing Jimin away "w-what are you doing?!" He asked "Tae.." Jimin paused for a moment, he looked down before looking back up at Taehyung

"I really want you" he confessed, Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows before saying "we can't".

"Why not?" Jimin asked, not giving Taehyung the  chance to reply Jimin placed his lips on the younger boy's.

As much as Taehyung knew it was wrong he couldn't help but love the feeling of Jimin's lips against his.

"Jimin... we really shouldn't, you have a boyfriend" he said pushing the boy off once more.

"Jungkook isn't even my boyfriend, I don't like him, and he doesn't like me" Jimin sighed "Jimin your probably to drunk to even think straight, get up I'm taking you home"  Taehyung said standing.

Jimin sighed "he's not my boyfriend" Jimin whined "yeah yeah tell me that when your sober" Taehyung said pulling Jimin up.

"Taehyung I swear we're not dating" Jimin said as Taehyung pulled him out of Hoseok house.

"Sure Jimin, and I'm a spoon" Taehyung rolled his eyes though Jimin couldn't see it. "I'm being serious" Jimin whined once more.

"if your being serious why would you lie to me?" Jimin complete froze hearing those words he took a moment before he began speaking..

"...uh... its because....uhh.. Jungkook! Jungkook to-" "Jimin you don't even sound sure and your drunk, I'm not going to believe anything you have to say, so let's just get you home and forget about it" Taehyung sighed.

"Fine have it your way"

💖~Wrong or Right~💔
Chapter 4
Word count:1324

𝓦𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓰..𝓸𝓻..𝓡𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 {𝔳𝔪𝔦𝔫}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ