Chapter 7/⚠️

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Suga POV

It was tomorrow is the day, at first I wasn't THAT nervous now I'm extremely nervous, I get up and went to do my morning routine and grabbed the bag for Noyas birthday present, I quietly said goodbye to my mother who groan as response then I left to school,

As I was walking towards the school I felt someone following me and knew it was Daichi, I kept speed walking until I heard Daichi call out for me, I just started running towards school acting that I'm 'Late'.

as I got inside the school I see Noya with 3 present bags and Walking with Tanaka, "Hey Noya, happy early birthday" I say out of breath, Noya gives all his bags to Tanaka, making tanaka catch the bags and fall down then Noya Grabs mine and sees what's inside, "Im not the type of person to uh, get good gifts so I uh bought you that.." I quietly say, Noya brightly smiles and gives me a huge hug, "THANK YOU SO MUCH SUGA THIS IS THE BEST GIFT EVER- YOU REALLY DIDNT HAVE TO BUY THIS" Noya yells, it was Ouran High school Host club whole manga collection, I knew how much Noya likes Host club anime cause he literally talks about it with Tanaka every single day after practice, it's sometimes annoying and always says that Tsukishima reminds him this character named Tamaji? Tahaki? I think it's Tamaki but I don't know.

"WOAHHH HOST CLUB MANGA?? WOWW YOUR SO LUCKY MAN" Tanaka also yells, patting Noyas back hard, "it's better than your chick fil lay gift card" Noya whispers at me, I chuckle as Tanaka looks at us confused, "oh yeah- the party for tomorrow is at 7pm ok?" I nodded and left, walking to my 1st period class avoiding Daichi of course. . .


★彡* L u n c h *★彡


Hinata POV

Lately Suga, Asahi and Noya would have lunch together and talk about something, I mean I know it's not my business but I couldn't help but I kinda stalked them? I mean far away of course, and I saw Suga show noya and Asahi a notebook?? Then Daichi come out of no where and it looked like Suga panicked cause he just made an excuse then just left speed walking, he's been avoiding Daichi for the past 2 months ever since he and that girl started daiting, I'm actually very worried about them, if this keeps up, it would affect a the whole team!!


I let out a groan and pull my hair, 'this is driving me nuts! I just want to know! I mean- I'm good at keeping secrets!! Like I haven't told anyone that I saw Yamaguchi and Tsukishima did the um yeah at the club and I promised not to tell anyone... ok so I'm really not at keeping secrets but I'm curious!!,' "Hey dumbass are you ok? You look stressed" Kageyama says interrupting my thoughts, I smiled and nodded "yeah just uh thinking" I reply now opening my bento and starting eating, "you sure?" Kageyama asks again, I roll my eyes, "Yes I'm fine, anyways are you going to Noyas party?" I say trying to change to topic

"Hmm well if your going then yeah I guess, my parents wouldn't care anyways" He says getting up and throwing his milk box, "Alright then, I'm hungry again can I eat some of your chips? Thanks" I grab His chips and started eating them, "HEY DUMBASS THATS MINE" "BUT SHARING IS CARINGGG PLEASEE IM HUNGRY" suddenly Tsukishima steals the chips and eats the rest, "shut it guys im trying to eat peacefully" I glare at Tsukishima as I hear Yamaguchi chuckle in the background, "whatever you own me chips tomorrow" Kageyama says glaring at me. . .

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