Chapter 4

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Suga POV

My smile fades as see phone go off, i take another deep breath and answered,

"Hey Daichi"

"Oh- Oh hey suga! Um i kinda wanna go shopping with you and Yui"

"Oh uh- we'll, im actually kinds busy so.."

"pleaseeeee i kinda don't wanna be lonely since Yui is with her friend, please!!"

"I..well, ugh fine I guess, let me get ready"

"Thank you Suga!! Alright visit us in the park"

"Oh ok, bye"


After I ended the call i put my little notebook away and got ready, I decided to just put some casual clothes, I put on a baby blue sweater and some black jeans, I grabbed my money, keys, my phone and headphones then headed towards the park

When I got there I saw Yui and one of her friends talking to her while daichi is sitting next to her holding her hand, i wipe my tears away as I get closer and closer towards them, "uh- hey guys.." i said getting their attention, "oh- Hi suga!, it's been long since we talked" Yui says giving me a hug, I awkwardly hug her back and nodded slowly, "yeah uh- let's go shall we? I'm actually busy" I say now already walking, Daichi nodded, "it won't be long, we'll just get some clothes then some food I guess" he says now putting his arm around Yui shoulder as I walk behind them, I smiled softly and I put my hand in my shoulder

~*« Now I'm getting colder »*~


When we got to the mall Yui and Daichi and her friend were mostly talking while I was just in the background looking through instagram for passing time, I decided to tell Noya now since I'll probably forget about it when I get home


Me: hey noya can I tell you something?

Rat#2🏐⚡️: YUP WAZZ UP??😝

Me: well uh jsjsjjjs so yk abt Yui and Daichi right?

Rat#2🏐⚡️: oh yeah, sorry suga..

Me: nah it's alright it's just me and uh Asahi are doing something

Rat#2🏐⚡️: doing what?

Me: well, I still want to confess to Daichi and Asahi decided that I should write a song...


Rat#2🏐⚡️: but y are you telling all of this?

Me: well, it's almost ur bday and u said u wanted to do a big party right?

Rat#2🏐⚡️: mhm oh-

Rat#2🏐⚡️: OHHH YOU WANNA SING IT- LIKE KARAOKE- OHHHH YEAH MAN tanaka actually bought me a microphone for my birthday last year😋

Rat#2🏐⚡️: man that was funny tho- ANYWAYS✨✨

Me: GREAT thank you so much Noya

Rat#2🏐⚡️: your welcome mom hehe😏

Me: i- why mom? 😀?

Rat#2🏐⚡️: cause it fits u duh 🙄

Me: um anyways- alright I'll go tell Asahi that u said yes, thank you so much Noya, gtg

Rat#2🏐⚡️: ANYTHING FOR YOU MOM, also I gtg too tanaka is abt to destroy his sisters computer-

Me: i- alright-


I turn off my phone and see Daichi with a lot of bags in his hands, I smiled softly and decided to leave already, "Hey Daichi I'm gonna go home now" I lie, he smiles, "well alright, have a great day suga" he waves at me now leaving with Yui, holding her hand, i see him smile and gives her a little kiss, I smile and left going to the park . . .


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