Chapter 9/⚠️

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Suga POV

It's not even 7:30 and a lot of people are already here, some of them are already drunk, making out, or still sober, I was still in the couch in my phone to pass time since the karaoke starts at 9PM, I suddenly felt a arm around my shoulder and it was Yui, "HeyYyyy Suga! Yu should driNk!" Yui yells at my ear since the music is wayyy to loud, I shook my head, "Sorry!! But I'm not planning to be drunk tonight!!" I yell back, she  shakes her head, "Come oN Suga!! Just 1 ShOt that's alL" she hands me a red cup with alcohol on it, I hesitated but still took little sips, "YeaaHhhhhh Alright imma go aNd try to find DaiChI" she says while leaving trying to find Daichi

After 15 minutes of taking little sips I finally finished it and felt like everything was dizzy, but I craved for more, I slowly wobble to the kitchen and pour more alcohol in my cup, "Woah Suga! Um are you ok?" Daichi says patting my back, the kitchen wasn't to loud so we didn't had to scream at each other, "Huh? Oh Yea, just a bit tipsy, I'll just have another one that's all.." I drink the whole alcohol in 1 sip and kept laughing, "um Suga lets just sit down here and try to calm you down.." Daichi says grabbing my hand and sitting me down at the table with him

"Daichi ur handz are very wArm!" I yell out, Daichi blushes and nods, "Thank you I guess" I smiled sheepishly then pass out. . .




3rd person POV

Suga woke up by Asahi shaking him, "Suga!! It's almost 9 lets go! We need to get ready!!" He says pulling Suga off the chair, Suga groan as he rubbed his head, suddenly he froze, "wait it's almost 9??" He yells, Asahi nodded, "yes!! Lets go before someone takes the spot!!" Asahi grabbed Sugas hand and ran heading outside to the backyard, everyone was holding red cups, eating some pizza and Noya is getting the microphone working,

"Hello? 1,2,3 can you hear me?" Everyone yelled and Noya smiled, "Hey everyone!! Thank you for coming to my birthday party!! So far everything is going so well and I hope you guys are still enjoying it! So right now we're doing the karaoke and I want everyone to take turns!!" Noya yells, everyone cheers while suga smiled nervously, "Alright who wants to use it right now?" Suddenly 5/6 people rose their hands, including Suga, "Alright!! First we have (random person name) go first! Then (???) and after them Suga is next then-" As Noya is explaining who goes first and next, Suga kept cracking his knuckles once in a while, "Wait suGa ur gonna siNg?" Yui asks him, He smiles and nods,

Yui looks at him confused but shrugs it off, "well goOd luck suGa!" She waves and went back to her friends, Suga took a big sigh as he watched Yui kiss Daichi's cheek, "Suga come on it's almost your turn!!" Asahi says snapping Suga from his thoughts, "oh right! Coming!" Suga says now heading to the stage

As he's standing in the stage he can see everyone staring at him while talking to their friends, he sighed and smiled softly, "um, Hello everyone! Uh- I'm going to sing this song I actually made! For someone who I loved and saw them fall inlove with someone else.. well, I hope you enjoy!" Suga gave a nod to Asahi and the background music started to play. . .

« .Heather. » (DaiSuga)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें