Chapter 3

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" Sister it's just a guy you know whom you're gonna be seeing daily for the next 3 years " Aaliyah said sitting beside me in the couch where I was cursing myself for saying yes to dad.
" You don't get it Aaliyah , Dhruv Mehta at IIT and Dhruv Mehta at party are two different people. He's not the reserved type as he is in college. He's a party animal. I could have used this party as a chance to talk to him" I said
" You are paired with him for a project anyways he has to talk to you " she said
" Yeah only as teammates and not more than that " I said rolling my eyes.
" Ugh you've been just looking at him for the past 6 months I don't think you would have talked to him even if you had gone to the party " Aaliyah said
As much as I wanted to choke Aaliyah she was right though.It's not like I would have talked to him. But atleast I would have enjoyed the view. Okay now I sound like a creepy stalker.
Then we heard the doorbell. I sighed and got up. My dad went to get the door.
He invited them inside.
" Farooq these are my daughters. My elder one Zara and my younger girl Aaliyah " my dad introduced us to the family. That's when I noticed a familiar face there. I couldn't point him out but still he was oddly too familiar to me .
" Hi " I and Aaliyah said giving them a smile.
" Your father has told a lot about you girls " Mr.Farooq said
" Zara meet Mr.Farooq's wife Hajira and his only son Tariq " my dad said
" Hi " he said giving me a smile and extended his hand
" Hi " I said taking his hand for a shake.
" If I'm right you're from IIT right Mechanical 1st year ? " he asked me
" Umm yeah " I said confused .
This is the first cute guy whose actually acknowledged me in my entire life .
" Do you know Zara ?" my dad asked
" Yeah I'm in IIT too , she's my junior actually. " he said chuckling . That's when it hit me . He's Dhruv's friend . I've seen him a quite a lot times with Dhruv.
" Oh yeah right I'm sorry I remember you now. You were familiar to me it just hit me now. You were in machine designing class today ?" I asked him
"Yeah right in front of you " he said smiling . I smiled at him. Then my mom invited them to the table for dinner. We all sat and Tariq sat next to me. We talked about college and stuff and this guy had some witty sense of humour. And the dinner went good . Definitely it didn't make up for me missing the party but it wasn't so bad either. Tariq kept my mind off Dhruv for quite some time atleast . After dinner I and Tariq were hanging out in the backyard garden where Aaliyah was busy scrolling her Instagram feed sitting next to us.
" So who are you paired for the project ?" I asked
" The guy who was sitting next to you in class and a friend of mine " he said
" Oh you're with Aarav , lucky " I said
" Is he good ?" He asked
" Yeah you can just sit back and enjoy he'll do everything " I said chuckling
" Then I'm in definitely good hands " he said beaming
" Don't tell him I said this . He'll kill me " I said
" I've noticed you a lot around with him . You guys dating or something ?" He asked .
Aaliyah turned around and smirked at me.
" Nah Zara's likes someone else " she said.
" Is it ?" Tariq asked amused
" She's just kidding. Me and dating never really works out. We don't go well at all. Just 101 crushes " I said
"Me neither, but who's that crush though ? " he asked wiggling his eyebrows. It's your best friend . Wish I had the guts to tell that loud enough. Sigh
" You do have noticed me a lot didn't you ?" I asked smirking trying to divert the topic
" Why wouldn't I ? You're too cute to ignore " he said winking at me.
Did he just call me cute ? And then winked at me.Today's my lucky day. I mean with his well built athletic body and his soft brown eyes which just disappears every time he flashes that cute dimpled smile of his. Well he's definitely good looking I'll conclude with that.
" Probably the only person who thinks that" I said bending my head down to hide the blush that was creeping on my cheeks.
" You haven't heard my friends talking about you " he said
Wait what . His friends talk about me. Then that means Dhruv knows me and talks about me ? I don't really think so...
" Yeah as the clumsy shy awkward girl , I know I've heard around " I said . That for the record was true . Even my classmates think the same about me I guess .
" Girl you've really got some major insecurity problems. Take a compliment " he said patting me
" okay thank you Tariq for those kind words . You really are a charmer " I said beaming
" Thanks Zara Anwar " he said smiling back at me.
He then got a call . I peeped a look at his screen when his screen flashed Akshay Menon's face.
Ugh Everyone looks cute in their group.
" Yeah man I'll be there in 15 " Tariq said disconnecting the call.
" So Zara want to escape from here and crash the party ? " Tariq asked turning to me.
" Please take her and go , she's been bleeding my ears off whining about not attending the party" Aaliyah said
" I really wish I can Tariq but it's my dad " I said sighing
" Oh come on I'll help you out " he said
" Really? I mean you can convince him ?" I asked hesitantly
" All Dads love me , wait and watch " he said wriggling his eyebrows
" we'll see about that " I said chuckling
Then we went inside . My dad and Tariq's dad were busy discussing about globalisation? I don't really know. It was all Latin to me.
" Zara you're here. I hope my son is not boring you " Tariq's dad said smiling while Tariq rolled his eyes.
" Not at all , He's very entertaining actually " I said smiling . My dad just gave a small smile. He's very protective or another word maybe nosy when it comes to me and relationship with guys in general , even if it's just friendship. It's not I'm gonna elope. But still he's annoying. That is why I never invite my guy friends home , because he'll scare them away with his questions and judgements.
" That's good to hear , you two are getting on well. Isn't it Anwar ? " he asked my dad.
" Yeah definitely it's good " he said smiling at Tariq
" Sir , I wanted to take Zara out . Is it okay for you ? We'll be back in an hour or two " Tariq asked
Woah! This guy has some guts. But yeah he doesn't know my father . Okay He's silent . That's weird.
" Why ? " My dad asked bluntly , though I could sense the irritation in his tone. I'm done .
" It's just my friends are meeting up so I thought I could take Zara along . It'll be fun for her I guess " he said
" I mean at this hour , I have very strict ..." my dad was cut off by Mr. Farooq
" Oh come on Anwar let the kids have fun , it's just 8 , when are they gonna enjoy ? "
" Umm okay . Be home back by 10 " he said staring at me . It was evident he was not happy in leaving me out but he couldn't do his impositions in front Mr. Farooq . He must have expected me to decline . But hell no ! Not today Papa.
" Thanks Papa " I said beaming . Anyone could notice the squealing excitement in my voice . Tariq chuckled at me . Then Tariq led me out to his car. His chauffeur took us to the party .
" I never really thought I'll be going to the party . You're a saviour Tariq " I said to Tariq who was sitting beside me in the backseat of the car.
" Anytime " he said smiling .
" Do I look okay ?" I asked him cause I've been in a hurry to get out of the house , I didn't really check my appearance.
He nodded . But then he came close to me, I couldn't really focus on my breathing. He looked at me with a smirk and gently removed the scrunchie and my hair flowed down to my waist. He then moved strands of my hair , tucked them in behind my ear.
" Now it's perfect " he said handing me my scrunchie.
Damn ! Don't do stuff like this to me . I'll die probably of breathlessness. Literally no words coming out of my mouth I turned around with a smile. The car came to a halt ending the awkward car ride. Before I could open my door , Tariq got down and opened it for me . Such a gentleman. He was telling something to his chauffeur and I waited around awkwardly looking at the party. The house lit up with heavy colourful lights, music blasting the entire neighbourhood , people floating around with glasses , tipsy and dancing. Tariq placed his hand at the back of my waist and led me to the party. I swear I could feel my butterflies fluttering inside. Can this guy be anymore cuter ?
As soon as we entered the house , the pungent smell of alcohol and vape hit my nostrils . The chill air from outside was replaced by hot sweaty air and I already feel my face turn beet red because of the temperature. There were surprisingly a lot of people that there was no place to walk by. I was always anxious of clustered spaces and this was my worst dream. Thankful to Tariq who led me in with ease and now we were in a much less noisier place and comparatively less people around . I looked around curiously to spot a lot of my seniors from the dance and sport teams. It looked more like a game room if I can tell . The pool table , the huge home theatre with some guys playing with their Ps-4 , the speakers and some other games which I'm not sure of the names and there was a small bar set up with lord knows so many bottles of alcoholic drinks. Whoever house is this , they are fucking rich.
" what's your choice of poison ?" Tariq asked me as we took a seat at the bar table .
" Nah I guess I'm good " I said
" You don't drink ?" He asked
" No" I said
" So don't judge me , I'm gonna drink " Tariq said ordering him a drink and for me a non alcoholic drink.
" Yo bro " Akshay Menon came dancing to the our table . He was flushed red due to dancing I guess and he had an empty red cup in his hand . I guess he came for a refill.
" Hey " Tariq said hugging his friend.
" So done with that obnoxious business dinner you were mentioning?" He asked in his slurry tone.
Tariq shot a look at me with an apologetic look.
" Trust me I felt the same too " I said chuckling.
"Hey my cute partner, what are you doing here ? Aren't you supposed to be studying?" Akshay asked me . Okay he's shit drunk.
" I try not to sometimes, to come out but what can I do a girl has her needs " I replied to him.
" But Tariq's not the right guy for that baby girl I'll show you " Akshay said smirking at me .
" You'll really regret whatever you're saying now man , cause I can already see your girl giving us death glares " Tariq said looking at the girl in a white dress standing with a bunch of other girls.
" Fuck ,I better go now , nice meeting you partner see you tomorrow don't have too much fun with Tariq not worth it " Akshay said
" Asshole " Tariq said rolling his eyes.
" I like him , he's funny and cute " I said chuckling
" Everyone likes him. That's why he's the ladies man of our gang " Tariq said smiling
" And you're the sad depressed kid ?" I asked
" Hey don't judge me , actually I'm the sweet and kind guy type , Dhruv will be the sad depressed kid " Tariq said
" I see , I always assumed the latter " I said .
" Yeah everyone does , it's just I'm quiet " he said
I nodded . " Well I'm sorry for what Akshay mentioned earlier about the dinner , it's just that I wasn't interested in my father's numerous business dinners , and I assumed today wasn't gonna be any different until I saw you there . I guess it's nice I get to talk to you , Cheers to that " he said raising his glass
" Well I'm happy too , to get a handsome new friend" I said raising  the glass.
" Did you just called me  handsome ?" He asked me with a smirk on his face
" Don't leave my glass hanging alone up in the air " I said . He chuckled and then clinked my glass with his.
" Wanna dance with me ?" Tariq said extending his hand . I beamed and gave my hand to his.
That's when I remembered I forgot to tell Kyra that I'm here.
" Shit I completely forgot " I said that out aloud . If she sees me with Tariq and not with her she won't even think twice of clawing my eyes out .
" what ?" Tariq asked me .
" Tariq I'll be back , I have to meet my friend. Stay here though  " I said moving away from him to search for Kyra. I searched for her in the hallway, kitchen she was not found anywhere.I called her she didn't reply . Then I opened few rooms I passed by and then a room which I really shouldn't have opened and made the biggest mistake of my life. There was a half naked Tanisha swiftly unbuttoning Dhruv's shirt while they were kissing, no eating each other's faces as much as they can. Tanisha noticed that someone was standing at the door shell shocked as the scene unfolded right in front of my eyes. Dhruv Mehta the only guy I've crushed on so hard for the past six months was going have sex with my closest friend . Fuck my life were the only words that ran in my mind But when reality stuck I immediately shut the door with a bang and ran away from there as fast as I can pushing everyone who came in my way. I reached the swimming pool and crouched on my knees panting . That's the fastest I've ever run I guess. Kyra would have been proud of me . I panted and sat down near the pool still shocked about what I saw. He's officially off my radar now. Not that he would have been before but now it's completely over. I never did imagine Tanisha doing this . I know she used to talk about Dhruv's looks and stuff but I never thought she actually liked him and she knew very well I've been crushing on him so bad yet she slept with him or on process whatever. Now I can really understand what Kyra went through.I called Kyra but it was now it went directly to voice mail. I needed her right now with me.Well at least I hope they didn't see me otherwise it's gonna be super awkward with both of them.
" Zara ? You okay ?" I heard Aarav's voice behind me . I turned around after wiping off those angry tears from my eyes .
" Yeah good " I said putting on a fake smile
" You look like you've seen a ghost " he said sitting beside me
" Well yes I did see something I really wish I can just delete that from my memory, but still it keeps on playing again and again " I said shaking my head.
" What did you see ? That makes you literally wanna puke " he asked chuckling.
" Not important though , can you take me home Aarav ? I'm too tired " I said sighing lying on his shoulders.
" Sure I'm done with this freaking party " he said helping me to get up on my feet. We walked to his bike and he started it after I hopped behind him.
" Have you seen Kyra ?" I asked
" Oh she left already , she was bored without you " he said
" Yeah I owe her for this one " I said
" Where you though ? I mean Kyra said you were not coming " he asked
" Yes I didn't want to come , cause of my dad's dinner plans , then Tariq our senior you know him right ?" I asked
" Yeah I'm paired with him for the project " he said
" Yeah he was my dad's friend son who came to our house and he was nice enough to bring me to this party which took a lot of convincing from Papa but still he managed and I have left the party without even saying a thank you to him " I said facepalming .
" Well there's always a tomorrow " he said
" Yeah and I hope that tomorrow is good enough for me to survive " I said sighing.

Hey guys ! So comment your thoughts on the chapter, is Dhruv's chapter really over in Zara's life as more than just a project partner ? Or does she still have a chance ?
Don't forget to press the star button ! Love ya

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