Chapter 8

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We had free classes after lunch, so me and Kyra were sitting by the bleachers I was watching the football players play, while Kyra was busy with her laptop. This autumn day has my sprits soaring beyond the colourful boughs above. The brilliant shafts of sunlight caress the carpet of reds and golds before me, laid out like a carpet for a royal. Each breath of the fresh air fills me a sense of life that almost makes me want to shout out loud, just to hear my voice echo amidst the trees - like a brave warrior of old. I've been here so long that these rough-barked beauties are like loyal friends. I would hug them if there weren't so many people around , I noticed a group of students hanging around . They looked so happy like embodiments of smiles. They're so alive in the sunshine that I want to just go and join in with them and laugh around on whatever they were taking about. I missed this fun. It's been quite a while everyone actually hung out together. Well Kyra is an exception cause she practically lives in my house most of the weekends.
" Aren't you supposed to be meeting Dhruv today ? " my captivated smile fades slowly as I try to contemplate what she's talking about. Oh my god ! Eyes widening  like saucers I grab my bag and Kyra's car key and rush out the bleachers.

I'm late . I'm so late.
I get to Kyra's car and open the back door to get my laptop and books needed for the study.
" Zara" I flinch out of surprise at the sudden deep voice next to the bonnet of the car. Tariq leans against the door beside where I'm standing, his hands casually inside the jacket he's wearing. I just notice that we are the only ones in the parking lot.
" Sorry" he apologises for scaring me and I smile.
" it's okay "
" I saw you in the bleachers. I wanted to come and talk to you but then you rushed out from there. I taught you saw me and ran away. So I just came searching for you "
" Oh why would I even run from you ? " I asked genuinely confused. I would run from Dhruv. Definitely yes. But Tariq no. He's a total cutie.
" I'm sorry "
" what's that sorry for ?" My eyes linger on him as he tries to get his words together, his perfectly toned arms bends to rub the back of his neck sleepishly. I can't help but ogle at the bulging muscles in his arm.
There's a reason why he was the best quarterback. Did I forget to tell he was our quarterback for the football team.
" For behaving like an asshole on Saturday. And leaving like that abruptly. I honestly enjoyed the time I spent with you. I really didn't mean to end a day like that "
I blink.A good few times.

Is he apologising thinking he did something bad ? I mean it  was out of the blue and it did piss me off, but it wasn't his fault. He couldn't have known. I don't even blame him. I blame myself . It's me and my stupid crush. Tariq was being nice to me and tried to help me.
" It wasn't your fault " I give him a small , genuine smile before closing the door and locking it.
" It wasn't ?"
" No you were only helping me , and I was being a drama queen as usual " I smile up at him.
" I'm so glad you're not mad at me " Tariq chuckles in relief.
" Why would I be mad at you ? "
" You should have looked at your face that day when you lashed at me. It looked like you were on a rage."
" You didn't piss me off. I'm just like that . I get dramatic over pointless things. It's my family's influence on me . " I mumble on with aloof words, grinning at my own quirkiness.
Tariq laughs , his eyes glowing in relief and amusement but there's a deep pool of admiration behind his lake of chocolate.
"So you accept my apology?"
" I accept your apology"
We stand there for a moment staring into one another's eyes. Tariq has really beautiful eyes. I really should stop looking at his eyes too much.
" Hey,aren't you supposed to be studying with Dhruv today ? " he asks with an amused grin on his full lips .
Oh , sugar honey ice tea! Without even saying goodbye to Tariq , I rush away towards the library.
To be frank , I don't even know if Dhruv is coming or not . Remembering how he was pissed in the cafeteria , I don't think he'll be in any mood to teach me.
Our library is somewhat, pleasing . It has dimly lit warm atmosphere surrounding it. The stacks of old books and new books create this perfect aroma of book nerds like me to spend most of my time here, reading , daydreaming eating. I never had a chance to come to our library until recently . Now I know why Dhruv chose the library . He likes books .
The library has three floors. The first floor is all the nosy students and computers as well as the help desk. The second floor is slightly calmer and peaceful where you can study or have a small conversation and it holds most of the new books. The third floor is where I love to be. No one rarely likes to be here, simply because of the fact of it being stacked with old books , mainly fairy tales and old classics. Wooden step ladders are left here and there for easy access to higher books. I have a little space where I like to build a fort. A little space in the corner where there is a coffee with a wooden table in front of it. Hanging bulbs cast a warm glow to the area.
Letting out a groan of displeasure, I place down the one book in my hand. Dhruv isn't here. I feel like I'm going to end up doing all my designs alone. I'm a little disappointed and sad that Dhruv Mehta doesn't take me seriously or see me as a bearable person that he can study with , let alone give me the time of the day.
He ignored me , gave me his cold stare and now he doesn't even show up to our study time which he suggested by the way. I was happy studying with Aarav. I'm probably just a clear balloon floating around him,to plain to look at, too boring to make conversations with him. To him I'm probably Mother Theresa. I don't party or drink or make out with random guys, I wear clothes that basically look like the entire clothing line from the Virgin Suicides and Stranger Things combined.
Sighing , I go ahead and sit on table behind the window . It's been an hour. Puffing out my cheeks , I brush my fingers along the pages of the books as I observe and take in the pictures and words of techniques I'm reading. Lately I've been putting a lot of effort to concentrate on my works, and I can proudly say I achieved a solid eighty five percent but now I haven't been able to concentrate at all because of one particular person. The one person I shouldn't be thinking about. But how can I not ? He's my crush . Dhruv is like a dream that lingers in your heart and has you gushing and wishing it was reality . Why did he warn me to stay away from him? Was he dangerous as everyone portray him to be? To me he looked like a ray of sunshine that lightened up my every morning. He was perfect and golden from afar. But now he's all gloomy and dark.

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