Chapter 6

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" It's looks like I'm trying too much" I said looking at myself for the , okay I lost count of that.
" No it's perfect, not too casual nor too made up. It's chic and classy " Kyra said calming me down.
After dumping my entire wardrobe on my bed we ended up choosing a black ditzy floral flared skirt with a cute knitted off white cardigan and paired it with my white sneakers. I threw on some rings and a dainty necklace. I blow dried my hair and Kyra curled the ends. I applied concealer to hide my under eye bags, slight amount of blush and highlighter to make my cheekbones look prominent and finally a touch of mascara to pop up my eyes and lip balm to hide my chapped lips due to the weather. Tariq texted me that he'll pick me up by 1. I got ready and was nervously quivering around my quilt
" For someone who said it's just a hang out with a friend you seem to be too nervous " Kyra said smirking .
" I'm a social outcast Kyra, I hardly hang out with anyone other than you or Aarav. So hanging out with a boy is kind of nervous for me "
" I mean you already spent time with him at the party this shouldn't be a big deal" she said
" Yeah you're right" I said sitting on my bed. I wish I can get into my warm quilt and hide forever with my ice cream tub and Netflix rather than going out .
" Zee your date's here " we heard Aaliyah shout from the living room.
" Ugh that little brat" I cursed her while Kyra came out chuckling behind me.
I rushed down the stairs to see Tariq standing there with a small bouquet of yellow daisies. He wore a button down crisp light blue shirt with a ripped jeans. His messy perm hair was perfectly styled and looked wet and damp. He was standing near the door his eyes searching for someone.
" Hey" I said smiling at him. His eyes slowly  scanned my body from top to down and I couldn't do nothing rather than squirm around uncomfortably.
" Enough pretty boy, she won't disappear anywhere. You have all day check her out " Aaliyah said winking at Tariq. He blushed profusely at her comment. I smacked Aaliyah's head a little.
" Leave the poor boy alone Al " Kyra said chuckling .
" He..yyy" he said nervously. Aww so cute.
" Tariq this is my best friend Kyra" I said
Tariq shook hands with Kyra and each said some pleasantries to each other.
" Those are some very pretty flowers" I said
" Oh shit yeah , these are for you " he said giving me the flowers.
" Thank you that's really sweet of you to get me these " I said . I gave those to Aaliyah.
" I'll put them in your room" Aaliyah said smiling. 
" So shall we ? " he asked
" Yeah sure " I said
I turned around Kyra and Aaliyah
" No funny business both of you" I said eyeing them both. Kyra agreed to babysit Aaliyah since my parents were off to work. Aaliyah rolled her eyes. But both of them together is always trouble in paradise. Kyra can herself become a bratty 13 year old if she wants to.
" I already have a very annoying dad, I don't need an Anwar 2.0 " Aaliyah said .
" Have fun on you're date sis ! " Aaliyah shouted
" It's not a date " I shouted back to which Tariq shook his head laughing .
He as usual guided me out with his hands on my back to his car. He opened the door for me and made sure I was comfortable enough and started the car.
" You look really gorgeous today" he said
" Well I do clean up pretty well" I said
" Well that you do well " he said showing off his famous lopsided grin
We stopped after around fifteen minutes. We stopped at a restaurant. The streets of Bombay were full of the hustle and bustle of its occupants. Everyone seemed like they had a place to go and people that needed to be seen. All sorts of men and women invaded the sidewalks, making it almost impossible to walk by. Everyone was busy and in a hurry.
" It's not usually this busy" Tariq pointed out.
" But it's lunchtime rush and we're close to centre of south Bombay " he continued. I nodded my head in understanding as I kept close to him. We continued to walk. As we did, I breathed in deeply, taking in every scent and sound. There was something different about this place. Almost regal. Maybe because I felt like I was in my own version of Spice world. Please tell me that Spotify spice is going to pop up behind me . That would make my life.
" Are you alright ? " Tariq asked me a slight worried expression on his face.
" Yeah I'm fine , just taking it in "
He gives me a warm smile and nods. We follow our waitress towards a small table.
" This place is cute" I look around the small diner. It wasn't your cliche restaurant. It wasn't fifties themed or anything like that. We were at a home style restaurant. The tables and chairs were mix matched. A man with a goofy grin on his face was standing at the counter filling up young couple's coffee mugs. He had a Rolling Stones t-shirt on and a beanie.
" That's Brad. He's the owner of this diner. Him and his wife opened up this place about five years ago. Everyone that lives in this area come here. He has the best hamburgers and pancakes on the block" I nod slightly humming in response.
I grab the menu that is placed on the table and begin to look over the items. Everything looked delicious. My stomach began to grumble causing Tariq to laugh slightly.
" Hungry ? "
" Just a bit " I giggle
" Hello " a middle aged women with a plaid skirt on stands in front of our table.
" My name is Erin , oh hi Tariq ! " her accent is heavy . I struggle to understand the preppy words that flow from her red stained lips. I look over at Tariq. He gives Erin, our overly friendly waitress a warm smile. It's clear he visits this diner quite often.
" Hi Erin , this is Zara , a very dear friend of mine " he said . I sit awkwardly and wave my hand at her. She giggles lightly at my awkward gesture but doesn't speak anything of it. Thankfully.
" Well welcome to Brad's love. We will be seeing you here quite often " She winks at me. I nod and smile , unsure of what else to say. I suddenly feel awkward. Like everyone in the room is watching my every move. I decide then to put myself out of this foreign awkwardness and order my food . The grumbling in my stomach hasn't ceased since we sat down. I know that if I don't put anything in there pronto, I'll fall into a food deprivation coma.
" I'll have a hamburger and curly fries with a pop soda " I half smile as I put back the menu in its rightful place . She then turns around to grab our soda cans after confirming with Tariq if  he was getting "the usual" .

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