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Name: y/n park
Age: 18 years old
Information: you're a popular girl at school,
You are nice and help others all the time.
Blackpink and BTS are your friends.
You're very rich but not generous at all.
You live in seoul, south korea

More information about the story:
(Y/n= your name) or just fill it up with a random name, your choice
BTS are mafias hiding their identity
Blackpink are well known mafias tho.
Exo are a gang that kills anyone anywhere whether they like them or not, and especially for no reason. Typical bad boys..
Irene and her friends are also bad people,
While y/n is considered nice and kind
Got7 are y/n's friends but they are in china
Y/n knows that BTS/exo and irene are mafias she just pretends she doesn't know


y/n's pov

I was that kind of girl that had two faces, let's say two different lives.

One of them is that innocent and peaceful life. I was the cheerful girl that goes to school everyday and spends her whole time with her friends having fun and joking around.

The second one...isn't innocent at all. Gun shots, blood and dead bodies form that life. At night starts my journey. It isn't something I like but it's something I'm used to do.

And as said...

"The mafia queen is unknown but the mafia world is big....

A young girl was expected innocent...

But the acting skills are decent to fool around.

Watch closely as predators surround,

make sure you're strong with no fear inside"

I was sleeping peacefully while hugging my pillow. My alarm was ringing but I couldn't care less. After quite some time, the sound became quite annoying which made me sit up and ruffle my hair.

Y/n: oh shut up!

i rolled my eyes a bit then turned it off and laid my head back down on the pillow as I stare at the clock

Y/n: I should really get ready..

I stood up and went to the bathroom, i took a warm shower, and did my morning routine. I then walk towards my closet and picked out the cutest outfit i could find. After that, I went downstairs, took an apple and headed to school.

I arrived and parked my car before glancing out the window, everyone was waiting for me, i got out and headed to my friends.

i saw taehyung starring at me as soon as I stood close to the others. His eyes trailed from my face going down to my outfit, obviously checking me out. I wanted to punch him in the face but I couldn't, i had to act innocent...

I saw jimin slightly nodging taehyung as his stare was pretty obvious. Taehyung flinched a bit before realising what he was doing. He laughs it off nervously and looks down.

Y/n: let's go inside or else we'll be late...
Jin: i agree, let's go

we entered the school and began walking through the hallway while chit-chatting, I could still feel a stare on me. I slightly turn around and saw taehyung again. But as soon as our eyes interlock he quickly breaks off the contact. I turn back around and stop my tracks as the people i hate the most, showed up in front of me. And again i had to act innocent and let BTS protect me from them, especially Taehyung. He's always helping me with everything...and when I say everything...I literally mean it...its getting annoying to be honest.

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