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Elena stood startled at the man who had been blackmailing her for over 5 months. He had been blackmailing her with just threats of knowing her secret in exchange that she dropped the business deal she had just finalized.

Luis Mathew wasn't just her competition in business, but the head of one of the biggest law firms in Nigeria, and that was the reason he wanted her to drop the deal at any cost.

She understood that she was a big threat to bigger firms as she started her firm only 3 years ago. and was already dominating bigger firms that had spent over 30 years in the country. But what she never expected was for those words of the threat to be backed up by evidence.

He snarled, seeing her startled state. "What? You didn't think I'd find this did you?" He barked a non-humorous villain laugh.

"H- how d- did you g-get those?" She asked her dry voice stuttering.

"That's none of your business. I'm Luis Mathew, a man of power and a man who has his ways."

There was a long silence.

"Now are you ready?" He asked, smirking devilishly at her.

"Ready for what?" Her voice was barely audible.

"To drop the deal." He paused. "Or what else? You want to compensate my smart digs for more?" He hummed in thought, his eyes trailing over her body. "Your body, maybe? You know, I always thought you were goddamn sexy."

She bitterly chuckled inwardly, men will be men. She was used to advances from men as old as the over 50 years Bennet, or even older, a man of 74 had offered her a job once, with the condition that she let them have their wicked ways with her, and that was in her past life when she was barely 20.

There was a time in her life where she would have let him do whatever he wanted with her, in exchange for his silence on her past, but that was a time when she was tired of life and threw herself into something she would forever regret. Something the 32-year-old her had struggled to bury and had thought she was successful in hiding well... after all it had been almost 7 years with no word from her past, and now that she was doing well in life, having strived hard to climb up the ladder it was all going to go to waste.

No. She couldn't let it. She wouldn't let years of studying, more years of struggling for a registered company, and 3 years running a law firm of her own go to waste.

"What's the price for your silence?" She asked with newfound boldness and determination.

His brows furrowed in confusion, thinking her a fool perhaps. "I told you already missy, drop the deal, and then let me fuck you."

She visibly cringed at his use of the word, the old man had no shame in his bluntness.

"I propose half a million," she said, purposefully ignoring his proposal.

He laughed out loud, pointing at her comically like she was some clown. "You think I want your money? Half a million naira? That's the price of the suit I have on, darling."

"2 million," she countered.

"That's my daughter's monthly wardrobe allowance." He stopped short, clicking his tongue on his teeth. "And I'm thinking of adding another 2 million to it, she's a big girl now."

Of course, he had to be talking of his daughter, while debating having sex with someone almost her age.

"7 mil—"

"Hey listen, the whole money you're worth is chicken feed to me. I don't want your poor money, just drop the fucking deal and spread those fine long legs of yours," he said, cutting her off.

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