thirty four 🦩

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"i can take your mans if i want to" - mahogany lox, take your man

Narrator's POV

For the past couple of days, Ainslee had been helping Izzy recover from her break up. Always making sure she's okay, and coming to her apartment to check on her.

Izzy had been very appreciative of Ainslee, and forgot about the picture on Ainslee's wall, sometimes she would forget about Daniel, but the memories all rushed back in.

 For Daniel, he had been talking to no one, wanting Izzy back - but thinking about how dreadful their break up was, and the reason behind it.

Daniel thought he should move on. I mean - they broke up over something so dumb. They're relationship is clearly toxic - but he still loved her.

Daniel forgave Jonah, and apologised because he realised that Jonah and Izzy didn't cheat at all.

<3 <3 <3

Daniel thought it was enough of slacking around, and went to the club with Jonah and Tate because he wanted to.

The group of three walked into one of the night clubs in Los Angeles. Daniel immediately went to the drinks to drown himself with all his problems.

Jonah and Tate looked at Daniel in concern as they watched him drinking bottles and bottles of alcohol.

After drinking about four and a half bottles, Daniel started stripping on one of the tables. Jonah and Tate unfortunately left because they were drunk and forgot about Daniel - sadly.

"Hey hottie." Daniel turned his drunk self around and saw a dirty blonde haired girl with slutty clothes talking to him.

Due to being drunk, Daniel flirted back. "Hey gorgeous." Daniel said. The girl looked delighted that Daniel was talking to her.

"Wanna go some place else?" The girl asked. "My name's Paris" "Mine's Daniel." Daniel replied and followed the girl out the club.

The couple went into an Uber and went to the girl's house. Daniel was down right drunk while the girl was drunk but not that much.

"Your pretty." Daniel said when they opened the door. "Thank you." Paris chuckled, "so what do you want to do-"

She got cut off by Daniel kissing her roughly. They started making out on the couch, they both started taking their clothes off when she stopped and pulled away saying, "let's take this to the room."

<3 <3 <3

Daniel woke up the next day in a random person's room with a big ass headache. He looked to his right and saw Paris sleeping there.

He got flash backs of her saying her name, and the taste of her lips. Daniel looked down and saw he was naked.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Daniel mumbled and slowly got of the bed to find his clothes laid around the room.

He put his clothes on and slowly walked down the stairs and out the door. He took his phone out and saw he had one percent.

"Shit."  Daniel cursed and started walking towards a random phone box. He dialled Anna's number because that was the only one he remembered at the time.

"Hello?" Anna asked answering the telephone. "Anna, it's me - Daniel I need a ride." Daniel replied quickly.

"Where are you?" Anna asked. Daniel told her the street name and Anna hung up saying she'll be there in five minutes.

<3 <3 <3

"Bro, what happened to you?" Anna asked looking at her brother. Daniel was in such a rush to get out of the girl's house that he didn't realise his hair was messy and his clothes were scruffy.

"Just take me home." Daniel muttered and sat in the car. "No! Tell me!" Anna said starting the car and driving off.

"I had a one night stand." Daniel said looking away. "Oh." Anna replied and the rest of the ride was silent.

Anna dropped Daniel of at the Seaveys' brothers house and drove off. Daniel walked in and went straight up to his room.

He saw the photo of him and Izzy on his bedside table and grabbed it, to rip it up while cursing. Daniel called the one person he thought of to comfort him.

"Lee, can you come over?"

saturday 26th september, 2020

word count: 667

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 & 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐲 ☾ daniel seaveyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat