Well, Lets Hope This Doesn't End Badly

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Thee three dragons had eventually constructed a makeshift stretcher out of two wooden spears they had found in a room a couple corridors down from the treasury, and a some blankets they had commandeered from a long 'dormitory' tunnel.

They had layered the blankets and used the heads of the spears to stab through the thick fabric into the wood, holding it together along with some vines Sundew had in one on her few remaining pouches. They threaded the vines through small holes in the fabric and tied them on the other side of the poles.

"You ready?" Willow asked, hesitantly.

The young Nightwing nodded, and anyone with a brain could tell she was excited.

They moved the stretcher over to her, and she took a deep breath. She put her front talons on the fabric, and pulled herself up onto it.

"Alright, let's go!" Sundew exclaimed, picking up her part. Willow did the same, and together, they got her to the ledge, where they stopped.

"You ready to fly?" Willow asked, and got a nod in response.

They took off, and while wobbling slightly, still managed to fly. About ten minutes into the flight, Sundew spotted the camp.

"Yes!" Willow wheezed, out of breath.


Sorry it's so short, and sorry it sucks, but I've had literally NO MOTIVATION TO do it!!!!


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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