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     Sundew immediately tensed, baring her fangs, and hissing slightly.
"Who are you?" She growled.

"Me? Oh, don't worry about me, I'm just your average evil dragon, guarding my treasure, killing anyone who dares step in my beautiful palace, cannibal, torturer, you know!" A slithery voice said, almost... was that—joking?

"Did that sound sarcastic to you?
That sounded sarcastic to me." Willow stage whispered to Sundew.

Sundew mentally face-taloned.
"By the Trees, Willow, don't you know how to whisper?" Sundew asked, in a normal whisper.

"You can teach me later. I'd rather not die first." The darker Leafwing joked, sitting back.

"Whatever," Sundew whispered, then continued in her normal voice, "Answer me! Who, or what are you?"

"I already told you, I'm the villain," it said, then paused. After a minute, the voice said, "Fine. I'm a Nightwing. I, uh, well, you'd probably best see. I'm in the alcove up above the leftmost stack of gold."

Sundew looked around, and spotted the one he meant. "Over there!" She said, pointing with her tail.

"You sure it's not a trap?" Willow asked suspiciously.

"I'm sure it is. Be cautious." Sundew replied as they snuck forward.

It took awhile for them to actually find them, but when they did, if was not at all what they expected. "Here, let me show you. I promise, I won't hurt you." Came a voice, resignedly. They heard a scraping noise, then a small black head peeked out over a small ridge, followed by a pair of small black talons, and then a body. The Nightwing stopped, panted for a second, then pulled their legs and tail over the ledge, and Willow looked stricken.

They were small, so it was hard to make out against the dim light, but it was visible. Their legs were small, and crippled.

Willow gasped, then reached out, as if to help them. "What happened?" She asked, worried.

The black dragon replied, "I had a disease, and it never got treated. Well, that's about it." They said, sighing. "I.. well..., when the volcano erupted, I had to get somewhere safe, and so I tried to get to the Rainforest tunnel, but with no one to help me get there, I couldn't move fast enough, and it was too risky to try and fly there. The Volcano was spitting lava everywhere, and the smoke was enough to kill anyone if it was too concentrated," They let out a small laugh. "Well, there I go. Spilling my guts to the first dragons I meet."

"Oh. Can we help you?" Asked Willow.

"Maybe? I mean, I don't want to sound needy, but could I come with you?" They said, sheepishly.

"Well, I-" Sundew started, but was abruptly cut off by Willow's yes.

"Are you sure?" They asked.

Sundew tilted her head at Willow, a questioning glance.

"Yes." Willow affirmed.

"Alright, enough with the sentiment, let's figure out how to get you out of here," Sundew broke in, scanning the room. "What's your name?"


"Dramatic much?"


Oh my gosh, sorry for not updating sooner, and sorry about the short chapter!! I was having extreme writers block!!

I hope you enjoy!!


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