P.L. 1

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Sophie knocked lightly on Dan and Phil’s apartment door. She displayed a smile on her face as Phil greeted her and let her in “Hi!” He chirped “thank you for coming over, he’s in his room” Phil notified leading her to Dan’s room. She knocked lightly on his bedroom door that was locked. “Go away Phil!” he shouted his blood boiling intensely. “It’s Sophie” spoke the female voice. Dan quickly closed his mouth “sorry” he giggled at himself. “No need to apologize. Want to talk?” she asked leaning against the door frame “yeah we can.” Sophie backed up when she heard a click. “Hi” Dan spoke, his voice hoarse and eyes scarlet rimmed. “Hey,” Sophie breathed, taking in his broken down appearance. She frowned and held out her arms. Dan lunged into them and let out a choked sob. “I’m a monster. I can’t stop it.” he cried against Sophie, the tears running rivers down his pale cheeks. “Dan you aren’t a monster.” Sophie grimaced holding Dan tighter. He released a yelp, pulling back his caramel eyes enlarged and his breath labored in his throat. “Dan what is it talk to me. What hurts?” Sophie asked, taking a step back from him. “My head. It hurts so badly.” Dan closed his mouth veiling a scream of pain. “What is happening in your head? May I know?” Sophie asked calmly “the voices are back. I want them out.” Dan let out another cry of pain. Sophie glanced at the corner where Phil was silently crying. “It’s okay, I’ll stay with you guy’s right now. If you need to talk I’m here to listen.” Sophie nodded at the boys who were sobbing amongst themselves. 

Poisonous Lips Continued From Old Account (DanIsNotOnFire20)Where stories live. Discover now