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Disclaimer: Naruto™ I don't own it.

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Chunin Exams- Part II

Hansuke stood alongside his team as all the teams stood outside the next place for the exams. Hansuke wouldn't lie, the forest before him freaked him out. Not because that it looked cold, dark, and she could smell death, but due to the fact that trees liked to stick out branches that he would run into and hurt himself. The cold, dark, and smell of death were also an added factor to the fear, but it not that much. Hansuke didn't know why it didn't scare him as much as it should, but he had his team to rely on, so this was nothing he had to face alone. He looked over at the young Procter who stood before the group with a sadistic smirk and eyed every member in group. Hansuke also took a quick look around and there was a big group of team and then he saw that all the rookies had made it farther.

"This place reeks of death," Kaori held her hand over her nose as Akamaru hid his own nose in her hair as he sat upon her head. "I'm not going to enjoy this one bit." She looked up at Hansuke and buried her face in his sleeve. "You smell good," it was a bit muffled but Hansuke blushed and patted her shoulder, "like flowers…..and cinnamon."

Hansuke blushed lightly, "Th-thank you Kaori-chan," he said softly and looked over at Satomi. "D-do I really s-smell like f-flowers?" she nodded and Hansuke sighed, suddenly feeling like a girl more than a guy. If he did smell like flowers, he was going to stop going to his mother's garden every day and maybe work out more. He closed his eyes and it was odd, he really did smell like flowers; he kind of hoped that Kaori was over exaggerating. He then sighed as even Akamaru buried his nose into his sleeve. "L-lets' h-hope we can get through t-this p-part q-quick." Satomi nodded and then they looked over as Anko began to explain the next part of the exam.

Hansuke found this part of the exams very interesting; he then realized that the only reason why half of them will be gone, since there weren't enough pairs of scrolls to go around and the stakes just got higher. Everyone was now an enemy since no one knew who had what scroll. He watched as once again, Naruko made some kind of seen, but had to keep himself from running to her aid. Anko had thrown her kunai and had scratched the blonde's cheek; not something anyone saw coming. He watched as the kunai sliced through another girl's hair, but she didn't look as nice as he hoped. She had an evil smile and was then behind the blonde and he couldn't see what happened after that. He grabbed hold of Kaori, whose face was still in his sleeve, "p-pay a-attention, p-please."

"If you want to take part," Anko held up a piece of paper, "you'll have to read this through and sign it. You and your team will bring this up to the others at these tables and then get a scroll." She motioned to the two tables that were hidden behind curtains. Anko smirked as she noticed that everyone was looking at the paper in her hands, "this is a release waver. It doesn't hold us accountable if you die in there." It got quiet, really quiet; Anko just smirked bigger, "so if you feel like living a bit longer then get out."

After that she held out a stack of the papers and one by one the teams walked up and grabbed the papers. Hansuke looked at his two teammates and they all gave a nod and then they walked up to go get their papers. Hansuke was the last to get his sheet, and before he could walk away, Anko slung her arm around his shoulder and leaned in close so she her head was at the same height his was. Hansuke felt a shiver go down his spine just having her close to him and blushed as she chuckled lightly. He slowly moved his eyes and glanced at her, and saw the smirk on her face.

"Well aren't you just a little cutie," she said with a seductive voice –only making him more uncomfortable- and smiled. "I've never seen a Hyuga with this kind of blue hair and such sweet looking eyes; you're a rare find in the clan, or some bastard child." Hansuke swallowed loudly, not really liked being referred to that. "Tell me Hyuga-kun," she smiled and whispered his ear, "what's it like being in the same exam as your family."

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