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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto™

(Line Break)

Time at the Hyuga House

Hansuke Hyuga sat in his room as he listened to the early sounds of the morning and the ruckus that familiar around the Hyuga house. Yesterday after a full two weeks of becoming a team and taking on small missions around the village, Team 8 had gotten the weekend off to be with family or with other friends that might have gotten a day or two off. He was use to waking up extra early and getting on with his day from his midnight training and needing to get back to his room before his father could walk up. Hansuke got up and grabbed a few of his spare clothes and walked into his bathroom to get a quick shower in and to waste some free time.

After a fifteen minute shower, he stepped out in a pair of black pants and a black long sleeved shirt that had a small V-neck that was covered with a small triangle of fishnet. Hansuke didn't wear his coat while at home and he didn't like just wearing a fishnet shirt around his home, it made him feel partly naked. And he didn't need his father seeing that he was strong, that made Haru the weak one and Hansuke didn't want his little brother to be treated like he is now. He took a seat on his bed again and began to bandage his arms like he did every morning and slid open the door to his room and went straight to the dojo to start his morning training. Hansuke discovered that Hiashi did check in with him every morning to see if he was training, and just knowing the face that his father was acknowledging that Hansuke was training gave the Hyuga heir a small sense of accomplishment and pride. He ran a hand through his blue hair and starred at the punching bag with a bit of determination.

Hansuke began to pound at the bag with his opened palms; the soft thuds echoed off the Hyuga's wall and once again everyone knew that he was in the dojo. He would usually get a visit from his father and then a council man, or a branch member passing through to get to the outside part of the dojo to train their child. Hansuke just ignored them and concentrated on his own training. He did this every morning since his hands weren't as hard and strong as a man's hands should be. They were a bit soft and it made Hansuke madder to know that his hands were even weak. The Hyuga clan kept a strict rule of strong men and obedient women, like they all still lived in ancient times; Hansuke was almost sad that a lot of the Hyuga women didn't get a chance to be a shinobi, beside Nami who had showed the council she was better than a housewife, and much better than Hansuke.

The blue haired Hyuga stopped and just starred at the bag, still in his stance. It didn't occur to him that someone had opened the dojo's doors and let the bright lights of the morning shine in; the house fully came to life with people and he could hear them all walking around with their bare feet hitting the ground with soft steps. He looked outside and gave a soft smile as the young boy worked on his own gentle fist with his father, but then looked away when the boy looked his way and on his forehead was the seal, as clear as day. Hansuke hated seeing that seal on the branch members, it was torture and abuse and it was wrong. He quickly went back to hitting the bag and this time a bit harder than he had meant too. Hansuke felt his palms begin to rub against the bandages and caused small scrapes and cuts. He looked back to see that the two had gone back inside and he eased his stance and let his hands fall to his sides.

"Aniki," Hansuke looked over to see Haru Hyuga standing in the door way. He had long brown hair that was left undone and his eyes were the same as any Hyuga, but due to his young age, they were still big and innocent like. Haru had been in the same clothes as Hansuke, but they were a lighter grey and they were a bit loose on him. Haru had almost been a smaller version of Hiashi, but he still had this part of him that was truly a little boy and not the son of a powerful clan head. He was very emotionless and once in a while, Hansuke could get a small glimmer of emotion out of him. It made Hansuke happy that Haru could still be coaxed into being a regular kid and have a normal life, not a clan life.

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