Chapter 35

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"Oh my god Yoona shut up!! You're so fucking annoying!"

Groaning at my twin sister who I didn't miss one bit. It's the perks of being away at an all boys boarding school.

"You shut up Yoongi I'm just admire art when I see it!" Yoona

Rolling my eyes I came to a stop beside the main stair case just to glare at her for being so embarrassing.

"You're too mouthy for you own good and everyone can hear you drooling over every boy we pass in these halls. I go to school with them all so do us all a favour and shut it."

She huffed at me, crossing her arms over her chest and pouting her lips. God I wish I was an only child.

"I hate you sometimes Yoongs." Yoona

"Yeah the feeling mutual. You could of stayed at home instead of bothering me."

My sister looked down at her skirt which was a little too short for my liking but what can I do when my hands are filled with a cup of tea in each hand for our parents.

"I missed you." Yoona

I bit my lip and looked away from her, ignoring her sparkling eyes that bare into my very soul.

"I know you missed me too Yoongs."

I shook my head, avoiding all eye contact with her and gazed up to the ceiling.


I mumbled out loud. There's no way she's making me say it. I refuse. However fate had other plans and she leaped over to me on one foot just to throw her arms around my neck and hug me tightly. I relaxed a little bit and hugged her back as much as I could due to my filled hands. I can't resist it when she gives me hugs, its just hard to say no when it comes to my twins affection.

"Fine, I missed you too."

Mumbling again close to her ear so only she could hear me and no one else that just so happened to be walking by with their parents. Although she pushed me back by the shoulders and grinned ear to ear.

"I knew you did." Yoona

Shaking my head at her she just giggled and spun around on her heels just to skip towards the main hall beyond the large open doors. I noticed the way her skirt lifted up as she skipped up and I frowned. People will see that.

"For god sake Yoona pull down the skirt!"

Thankfully she didn't argue back and pulled it down  just a little, seconds before she disappeared from view through the crowd of people. I had no choice but to follow but when I heard a certain name spoken from a familiar voice I stopped in my tracks.

That one name should never be mentioned unless it was by Jimin, myself or any of the guys. Especially not from Lucas. How the fuck did he know Y/n's real name?

Hearing his voice from somewhere close to the stair case I slowly stepped closer just to press my back against the banister when I caught a glimpse of his face when I looked up the stairs. He was talking to someone, or more like to people.

One man, one woman.

Well from what I can tell.

When Y/n's real name was mention again I perked up and straightened my back when I definitely knew this time I wasn't just hearing things.

"I can't believe this. I won't believe this. Lucas please tell us you're lying."

"Rose of course he's not lying why would he?"

"I'm sorry Mr and Mrs Lee but I'm not lying. I've watched your daughter very closely during her time here and I'm certain that all the boys she has been accommodated with know she is a girl. They all treat her differently compared to other boys at this school." Lucas

Uh oh. This doesn't sound good. Lucas with Y/n's parents and from what she's already told me about them, they're not very nice people. It's taking all of my energy not to run up those stairs and show Y/n's father a piece of my mind, meaning my fist to connect to his face would be the right thing to do.

"So she's been tarnishing our good name by slutting it up with those boys with raging hormones?" Mr Lee

"This is your fault Minhoon! You forced our daughter to come here and replace by boy." Mrs Lee

"Shut up woman, we're in public. Don't make a fool out of me or you'll know what will happen when we get home!" Mr Lee

I took a deep breath and angrily set the two cups of tea on the table that just so happened to be next to me filled with school leaflets of activities and information booklets. I've never been more pissed with three people before in my life.

"May I say one more thing about Y/n?" Lucas

"Of course, we want to know everything she has been up to. That's what we pay you for." Mr Lee

"Throughout her stay here I not only kept an eye on her but purposely made my presence known to her. With your permission I did what was told and tormented her a little bit but since the first time Y/n has gained a little body guard who may I add is attached to her hip." Lucas

A shiver ran down my spine when I concluded in my mind that Lucas knows about Y/n and Jimin, knows their true fate with one another.

"Who is this so called protector?!" Mr Lee

Jeez he's already pissed and he hasn't even been told yet.

"Park Jimin. Where ever she goes, he goes. They follow each other around, they laugh at each other when no words have been spoken between them and they're in the same dorm together. I say they're soulmates if you ask me." Lucas

That mother fucker.

I balled up my fists in anger yet I flinched when a sudden loud shout echoed from upstairs that also seemed to have caught the attention of a few others standing close by.


Upon hearing that I bolted. Running down the hall towards the back of the building and out the double doors. I need to tell Y/n and Jimin what's going on, they need to know. I know where they are since I saw them both leave the building together and Jimin talk about Y/n meeting his parents earlier.

Running as fast as my two feet could take me, I made it to our building and shot up the stairs all the way to the top floor but I didn't care. Even if I was breathing heavily and felt like I could pass out I just kept going. The faster I was the better it would be for them.

Coming to our door I forced it open by throwing my weight on it and slammed the door open just to run inside startling the four people standing in the middle of the living room.

"Yoongi? Wha-" Jimin

I stopped him when he tried to approach me by holding up my hand and hunched over to catch my breath but try to speak at the same time.

"No talk......listen....Y/n's parents....know......about..Jimin......soulmates."

I spoke with every breath as I struggled to speak.

Jimin's whole body tensed and turned back to me to face the pale faced Y/n. I just heaved out a sigh and fell onto the couch, hand over my chest feeling my heart beating so fast. I really should exercise more but in reality I can't be bothered to.

"Yoongi?!" Jimin

His loud voice startled me and I was met with a pair of angry dark eyes that bare upon me from one of my best friends.


Holding up a peace sign with my fingers, forcing myself to sit up a little more.

"Tell us exactly what you know." Jimin

I'd be glad to.

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