Chapter 11

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It's the weekend now and that party everyone has been talking about comes faster than I'd like. Jimin since that say three days ago hasn't spoken to me since that day and I don't know why. I mean I have tried to speak with him but he ignores me or gives me one word answers. I don't get it, I try and when I just thought we were getting somewhere it's back to the beginning. It sucks. I hate it.

The party seemed to be the talk of the school and that many girls were to be there too. I didn't want to go but after some serious thought I decided to go with everyone. I was just worried in case Jimin sleeps with someone else, it will be very painful and I don't think I would be able to hide it. So in caution I warned both Jungkook and Taehyung. They didn't know this and were surprised that this would happen to me since it's not normal at all but I assured them it does. It feels like someone setting my insides on fire and someone taking my heart to stab it all at once. I had to tell them just in case. Taehyung said he was going to stick with Jimin to make sure he doesn't and Jungkook was going to stay with me.

I tried to tell Taehyung it would be okay, I would just need help in getting out of the party without causing a fuss. I don't want to spoil Jimins fun even if it hurts just at the pure thought of him doing such a thing and I know he will. He's been thinking about it for the past two days. Though Taehyung wouldn't listen to me anyway and insisted on staying with Jimin to be as he says a 'cockblocker'.

I was nervous going to the party and stuck by Jungkook sides, like practically glued. I've drunk around the guys but that's because I've grown to know them, to feel comfortable with them. They've become my safe guard in a way even if only two of them know the truth about my identity.

When walking into the house that was already filled with people, loud music and alcohol flowing in the air I became totally out of my comfort zone so Jungkook led me to the far end of the room where it looked more spacious. Everyone else went their own ways as Taehyung also attached himself to Jimin who paid him no attention for now. Namjoon went to the bar with Yoongi and Hoseok was straight on the dance floor between some girls that were already dancing. He made it look so smooth the way he just positioned himself with the girls, it was impressive. However Jin also got some drinks but also ended up joining Jungkook and I in the back.

There were some girls that came over to speak to us, Jin was loving the attention where as I was unsure of what to do. To them I was a guy but I'm not so this was out of my comfort zone all over again but I just went along with it, just talking about the night and the music. After a while with the drinks flowing thanks to Jin I became more confidant in talking with the girls but it was nothing but innocent and none of them tried to kiss me or anything like that.

Jin got the most action and even got cheered on my Namjoon and Yoongi when they finally came to join us in our little corner we developed. Jungkook also seemed to be cheering him on as well and even challenged Yoongi to a drinking contest to who can drink a whole jug of beer the fastest.

Yoongi took the challenge and we counted down from ten to one.


Everyone around us shouted and even I was having fun watching the two men standing up by the table chugging down on their beer. It was so fun to watch them drinking so fast and Jungkook even tried to cheat when it was clear he was going to loose, Yoongi was going to town with his drink. Jungkook tried to push Yoongis jug away from him to drop it but Yoongi just held him at arms length away from him and concentrated on the competition.

In the end Yoongi won and cheered jumping up and down with his arms in the air while Jungkook pouted and sat back down next to me like a little child.

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