The Pain Of It

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Simon spent the past few weeks,feeling lonely.Of course,he had Jay and Neil.But only them.They weren't even as cute and nice as Will.

"I shagged a couple of birds this weekend!",he heard Jay boast.He knew it was all bullshit anyways.Neil,as always,believed him.

They went to their lesson.It was reasonably quiet-considering Jay wasn't in the class.Simon was all alone.He hated this!He just wanted to storm out of class and not see anyone for the rest of the day.

"Hey,Sophia!"someone yelled.Everyone laughed!Apart from Niel and Simon.

"You should know why your boyfriend is at the mental health unit.Perhaps,he's just a mental weirdo!",Donovan shouted.Simon ran out of class,Neil followed behind him.

"Just leave me alone,Neil!Alright!"Simon shouted,just wanting to see no one for the rest of the day.

He hid in the toilet for the next half an hour before Gilbert started to bang harshly on the door.

Oh god!Can people just leave him alone?

He walked out and went to his next lesson.

Ugh!It was a free period.


That was his phone.A message appears:

Hello Mr Cooper,

Good news,Mr McKenzie seems to be getting better.We're now at the point where we feel like we can finish his time at this mental health unit.If you can pick him up at 4:30pm today at the unit,please can you.

Thank you for your cooperation

From the mental health unit of Queen Elizabeth's Hospital

Yes!He was finally going to see Will again.


"Why me?"-A Inbetweeners fanfictonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora