Where Is He?

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Simon was back at school after being beaten up.It was a cold October day so he had to wear his grey hoodie.He noticed something:Will has been quiet since the start of last week.Has he had a relapse of his symptoms?

He and Jay were walking down the corridor of their sixth form block when Niel ran speedily to them.

"Si!Jay!You need to come to the toilet quickly!It's Will!",he demanded.

Simon rushed over to the bathroom to see the most horrendous sight ever.His mate passed out on the floor with vomit coming out of his mouth.

"Will?Talk to me!It's Si.Come on,mate!",Simon screamed out,his sobs giving out.Will didn't respond.

*Roughly 10 minutes later*

The ambulance arrives.Simon obviously comes with Will to comfort him.He needs him to be alive!He doesn't want to lose his soulmate to an intentional overdose.He wants Will!

When in the hospital,Will started to go into cardiac arrest.God!How much Simon wanted to punch Donovan and all the other year 12s in the face at that point.He was about to lose his best friend!And they never even got to do that much.

"Will!",he shouted across the room.

He heard people doing CPR and using the AED-hopefully trying to keep him alive.

*A few minutes later*

Will woke up suddenly.His vision was still unclear but he saw his friend in tears.Oh god!He knew that he needed help.

"Si?"he whispered.

A body ran towards him.It was him!Simon Cooper!

Will knew he had to apologise.For breaking their promise.He just didn't know what else to do.

"I'm sorry Si,"he murmured before sobbing.A warm hand touches his shoulder.His mate tried to shush him.

*A hour later*

The doctor returns,a worried look on his face.He gives Simon a note.He looked at the note,tears rolling down his face.His mate was going into a mental health unit.He would not see him for a couple of months.

He showed Will the note,noticing his friend's mortified expression.A few hours,what seemed to be a few minutes later,Will was escorted out of the ward and put into the mental health unit.

His last words before leaving were, "I love you,Si."

"Why me?"-A Inbetweeners fanfictonWhere stories live. Discover now