I Love You

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Will was ready to walk into Simon's house for the first time.What he saw was way better than his house-loads of images of his mate's childhood and everything was placed perfectly.

He was truly amazed-how is his house so bloody organised and amazing?

Simon and Will decided to go to his room and study some Physics because they had homework.After a few hours,the room turned silent as the boys began to stare at each other.

"You do realise that I love you William McKenzie,"Simon whispered to Will.

Will replied,"I love you too,Simon Cooper!"

This was when they pulled their lips together-their bodies only centimetres apart.Simon's breath was in his mouth and that made him happy.A few second later,,they both fell on the floor with a thump.By then,kisses would be on the neck.Will knew he had to explain that if he had hickies,who they came from.

After the kisses,Will walked out of the room,feeling on air.His grin reached his cheekbones.Oh my god!Did he just have his first kiss?He screamed internally.

Simon was content but he was terrified.He would have to come out again-as bisexual.

This situation was deeply amusing.

"Why me?"-A Inbetweeners fanfictonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu